Seraphine Wild Rift Build & Guide

Recommended Builds
Seraphine is the premier star in both Piltover and Zaun. Empowered by her gifts and her hextech, she amplifies the voices of all with a fresh force of optimism. They inspire her, and she will do her best to inspire them in return. Seraphine is a long-range mage/enchanter hybrid who brings an amazing amount of damage and utility to team fights.
Seraphine Wild Rift Build Recommendation
Here are Item Build Recommendations that works on this champion and which are the best build for Seraphine Wild Rift in this patch.
Burst Pop Star
This is the standard Seraphine Wild Rift Build in the mid lane that focuses on increasing her cooldown reduction then her damage output.
Luden’s Echo – Grants additional burst damage thanks to the Discordic Echo passive which adds bonus magic damage to your spells.
Awakened Soulstealer – This is the best cooldown reduction item and its unique passive, Soul Charge, reduces your ultimate’s cooldown for each unique passive and it can exceed the cooldown reduction cap through this.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity – This puts your cooldown reduction to its maximum amount of 40%. Upgrade with the Locket Enchant or Shadows Enchant if you want to have the effects it can give in combination with your skills. Otherwise, upgrade with the Stasis Enchant to counter burst damage champions or the Quicksilver Enchant to counter crowd controls.
Rabadon’s Deathcap – Provides the highest possible amount of AP an item can give. Your damage will skyrocket after obtaining this item.
Rylai’s Crystal Scepter – Grants HP and AP and a slowing effect to all your damaging abilities which synergizes well with 3rd, Beat Drop.
Void Staff – Punish those who stack magic resist against you with this item that provides the highest amount of magic penetration.
Also, you may switchAwakened Soulstealer with
Infinity Orb to deal critical damage to low HP enemies with only your penetrating notes of your abilities.
Backup Singer
This is the Support Seraphine Wild Rift Build which boost her defensive utilities.
Black Mist Scythe – Spectral Sickle is a starting item that you must get for Support Seraphine, allowing her to gain gold just by landing attacks on the enemies.
Meteor Enchant – This enchantment on the other hand is helpful if you want to deal more damage by simply deploying this enchant in the area where most opponents are.
Harmonic Echo – Adds an additional healing effect to your 2nd, Surround Sound.
Ardent Censer – Buffs your allies by providing an attack speed bonus and bonus magic damage on their attacks whenever you cast 2nd, Surround Sound. Buy
Staff of Flowing Water instead if your mid lane or jungler allied champion is more fed than your ADC.
Runes for Seraphine in Wild Rift
Burst Pop Star
- Electrocute – Deals bonus damage when doing combos. A 1st echo + auto-attack will deal substantial damage when combined with Electrocute.
- Scorch– Inflict magic damage after damaging enemies.
- Adaptive Carapace – Grants a small HP bonus and once you reach 50% HP, you will gain bonus adaptive resistance based on the damage you took the most for the past minute.
- Sweet Tooth – Provides bonus gold and additional HP regeneration when eating Honeyfruits.
Backup Singer
- Aery – Attacks and abilities send Aery to the target and it will deal bonus damage or shield allies near it.
- Weakness – Enemies you crowd-controlled will receive bonus damage from you and your allies.
- Loyalty – Grants additional dual resistance to you and an ally near you.
- Pack Hunter – Increases your movement speed when near an ally. Unique takedowns grant additional gold to you and a unique ally as well.
These two are the best spells you can equip for Seraphine in Wild Rift.
Seraphine is an offensive-oriented long-range nuker and Ignite allows her to kill off opponents that would be able to get away without it.
Flash is a must on Seraphine because she is an immobile champion who is very vulnerable in close-range combat.
Skill Order
1st, High Note, is maxed first as it is Seraphine’s main source of damage. 3rd, Beat Drop, is maxed second to scale its damage and cooldown. Lastly, 2nd, Surround Sound, is maxed last. Although, if you feel that your team is dying often, it might be better to prioritize 2nd, Surround Sound, for the additional sustain. Get a point in your ultimate whenever possible.
Echo: Every third basic ability cast will echo, casting it again.
Harmony: Casting an ability grants a Note to nearby allies for 5 seconds. For each Note, Seraphine’s next attack gains 0.3 Attack Range and deals an additional 4 magic damage (4 + 4% AP).
Deals 55 magic damage (55 + 50% AP) in target area, increased by 0% – 50% with the enemies missing Health.
Reaches maximum damage when the target is below 25% health.
Shields all nearby ally champions for 60 damage (60 + 40% AP) for 2.5 seconds and grants them 20% Movement Speed for 2.5 seconds.
If Seraphine is already shielded, nearby allies are healed for 5% of their missing Health (5 + 0% AP), increased by 50% for each ally.
Deals 60 magic damage (60 + 50% AP) to enemies and slows them by 99% for 1 second(s).
If the enemy is already slowed, they are rooted instead, if they are rooted, they are stunned.
Deals 150 magic damage (150 + 70% AP) to enemies and charms and slow them by 40% for 1 second(s).
Spell extends when it touches an ally or enemy champion.
Abilities Analysis
Innate: Stage Presence
Every third basic ability of Seraphine echoes, or casts twice. It brings additional damage and/or additional utility to her abilities:
- 1st, High Note – Deals twice the damage. Great for clearing and executing enemies.
- 2nd, Surround Sound – Allies will be healed.
- 3rd, Beat Drop – The slow becomes root on slowed enemies and rooted enemies are stunned instead.
Her ability icons change depending on how many stacks of Echo she is carrying.
The picture above is the secondary innate passive of Seraphine which is Harmony. Every time she casts her abilities, allies near her are granted a Note. Each note increases Seraphine’s attack range and makes her deal extra magic damage. Her team can carry a maximum of 20 notes at a time. Remember to auto attack once in a while to activate and deal additional damage with the notes.
As of Patch 2.5, Seraphine immediately gets max Echo stacks so she can immediately echo one of her abilities in case of an early fight or a death brush strat. It is recommended that you get Seraphine’s 3rd, Beat Drop if you plan to fight before the first wave.
Q | 1st: High Note
High Note is Seraphine’s main damaging ability. It is an execution ability which means that it deals more damage the lower the enemy’s HP is. When echoed, High Note is a potent nuke.
Be careful when using the ability during the laning phase if you are playing as a support because you might kill the minions with High Note and steal the gold that should be for your marksman.
High Note is best echoed in finishing fights because of its execution damage scaling. But remember to give the kill to your marksman when possible.
W | 2nd: Surround Sound
Surround Sound is Seraphine’s defensive utility spell. It grants a shield and a movement speed bonus for all allies in an area around Seraphine.
When echoed, Surround Sound heals all allies in the vicinity and the number of heal increases based on all ally’s missing health. The lower the health of your allies, the more effective Surround Sound’s healing becomes.
Just be mindful that the heal doesn’t come instantly unlike the shield. But the shield guarantees that the heal will arrive on time before your ally is killed.
You can activate the heal on demand even without using your echo stack through the Locket Enchant. Do not activate the locket and echo because it will not make Surround Sound heal twice.
E | 3rd: Beat Drop
Beat Drop is Seraphine’s crowd control ability. It slows all enemies it hits, and if the enemy is already slowed, the enemy will be rooted instead. But if the enemy is already rooted, the enemy will be stunned instead.
Echoing Beat Drop is a good initiation tool because it will root enemies who will get hit twice.
The slow doesn’t have to be from Seraphine to convert the CC into a root. Charm from Seraphine’s ultimate (and also not from her) is considered a slow and those hit by her ultimate then Beat drop will be rooted, or stunned if echoed.
You can pull off a stunning Beat Drop without an ally’s help and without activating your ultimate with the help of Rylai’s Crystal Scepter. After obtaining Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, Beat Drop will root and an Echoed Beat Drop will stun. Alternatively, you can build the
Shadows Enchant. Although, it is not a very reliable initiation tool because the ghost from the shadows enchant moves slowly.
R | Ultimate: Encore
Encore is a unique Charm ability as it has a deceptively long range thanks to the fact that it extends for every ally and every enemy hit so in theory, it has unlimited range but each champion, ally or enemy, can only extend Encore once.
Untargetable allies will extend Encore but untargetable enemies would not.
Because of Encore’s extending nature, it can be used as an initiation tool from way back using your allies as a bridge to reach enemies from afar.
Encore does not activate echo nor give it a stack.
Combo: Ult + 3rd + 2nd + 1st
Echo will activate on 3rd if you have 2 stacks.
Echo will activate on 2nd if you have 1 stack.
Echo will activate on 1st if you have no stacks.
Seraphine Early Game Guide
Seraphine is a poke-type enchanter so she has a fair advantage in the laning stage as long as she is careful.
You can easily clear out the wave using 1st, High Note and Harmony passive. If you are playing as a support, be careful when using 1st, High Note to thin out the wave or to harass your enemies because you might accidentally steal last hits from your ADC.
Avoid using 3rd, Beat Drop to harass opponents. It is best used as a deterrent to keep your enemies from getting close to you and for securing kills once your target is low enough to finish off with one combo.
If your mid-lane counterpart goes to gank a side lane, do not directly follow them using the same path they used because they might wait for you inside a brush. Seraphine is a squishy champion who will easily die when jumped inside a brush.
Instead, clear your lane fast and try to make a play on the other side of the map or if it is pushed in, go the long way through your own jungle to be safe.
Seraphine Late Game Guide
In the late game, Seraphine’s ultimate, Encore is a game-breaking move that can devastate the whole enemy team. It can charm all of your enemies and through an Echoed 3rd, Beat Drop, you can follow it up with a stun.
Encore is great when trying to initiate on enemies taking Baron or drakes. If you are playing as a mid laner, an Echoed 1st, High Note also has a high chance of stealing Baron or drakes because its damage increases the lower the affected enemy’s HP becomes.
Seraphine has a naturally low max HP so always be mindful of your positioning. Always stay behind your team so that you’ll be able to survive and contribute to your team.
It is highly recommended using Seraphine Wild Rift with the following champions as they synergize well with her.
Ashe’s Frost Shot constantly slows down enemies so your Beat Drop will always root and stun your enemies. They are also perfect lane partners as they are both long-range champions who can damage enemies and farm safely from a distance.
Miss Fortune’s 1st, Double Up does serious poke damage in the laning phase, and in combination with Seraphine’s 1st, High Note, the enemy laners would have a hard time keeping their health up. Miss Fortune’s ultimate, Bullet Time is also a great follow-up to Seraphine’s ultimate, Encore.
All Seraphine Wild Rift Counter Champions
In this section, we’ll tackle some of Seraphine Wild Rift Counters.
Seraphine simply doesn’t have the kit to kill Zed because of his mobility and she also doesn’t have the capability to survive his combos. Buy Stasis Enchant ASAP against this champion.
Rengar’s kit is an extremely deadly threat to Seraphine. He can easily dive him in the backline thanks to his ultimate, Thrill of the Hunt, and his empowered 2nd, Battle Roar can dispel all of Seraphine’s crowd controls.
Pros & Cons About Seraphine
Here are some pros and cons if you are playing with Seraphine in Wild Rift.
- Seraphine is a simple champion that is fairly easy to learn but can provide lots of utility and damage for her team.
- She has extremely long range and all her abilities are AoE abilities that are fairly easy to hit.
- She provides both offensive utility from her slow, root, stun, and charm. And she also has defensive utility in the form of shielding, healing, and increasing movement speed.
- Free music!
- Seraphine excels in long range fights so when enemies get close, she becomes really vulnerable because she has low HP and no mobility abilities.
- She requires good positioning and if her team mates does not know how to position themselves in team fights, she suffers as well.
FAQ's About Seraphine in Wild Rift
How good is Seraphine in Wild Rift?
Seraphine is a (Tier A+) champion. She is a strong mid-lane and support pick if your team already has sufficient front liners. She can deal so much damage and crowd control from the back lines.
What role / lane should I play with Seraphine in Wild Rift?
Seraphine is played as a mid-lane APC or as a poke-type enchanter support. She is a mix of an artillery and control mage because she deals a lot of damage while being able to slow, charm, root, or stun enemies.
What abilities do I level up with Seraphine?
1st, High Note, is maxed first as it is Seraphine’s main source of damage. 3rd, Beat Drop, is maxed second to scale its damage and cooldown. Lastly, 2nd, Surround Sound, is maxed last. Although, if you feel that your team is dying often, it might be better to prioritize 2nd, Surround Sound, for the additional sustain.
What items should I build with Seraphine?
When playing as a mid laner, Luden’s Echo and Awakened Soulstealer is important for Seraphine. Luden’s Echo increases her poke damage in the early to mid-game and Awakened Soulstealer reduces the extremely long cooldown of her ultimate, Encore. When playing as a support, you can opt to by Harmonic Echo to increase her healing and Ardent Censer to grant a damage and attack speed buff to your allies,
What Runes should I use when playing as Seraphine?
Electrocute allows you to easily burst down a single target while Aery grants a consistent damage boost plus it increases your shielding value when using 2nd, Surround Sound. Her other runes when playing as a mid laner are Brutal, Spirit Walker, and Sweet Tooth. As a support, Weakness, Loyalty, Pack Hunter.