Annie Wild Rift Build & Guide

Recommended Builds
Dangerous, yet disarmingly precocious, Annie is a child mage with immense pyromantic power. Annie is a short-range nuker who can one-shot a lot of champions. She is also capable of spamming her skills to poke enemy champions and support her team.
Annie Wild Rift Build Recommendation
Here are Item Build Recommendations that works on this champion and which are the best build for Annie Wild Rift in this patch.
Mage Child
This is the standard Annie Wild Rift item build focused on increasing her ability power, ability haste and magic penetration.
Luden’s Echo – A good first item on Annie because it greatly amplifies her 1st, Disintegrate with its Discordic Echo passive which adds bonus AoE damage to your abilities once in a while.
Boots of Mana – As a mage/caster champion, she heavily relies upon Mana, which is why she needs a lot of Mana Restoration, which Boots of Mana provides.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity – Grants ability haste so Annie can spam her abilities. It is recommended to upgrade it with the Protobelt Enchant to help with your mobility issues. You can also upgrade it with the Stasis Enchant when faced with burst damage from the likes of Zed and Fizz.
Rabadon’s Deathcap – Has the highest AP stat in the game. Once you have this item, you’ll be able to one-shot most non-tank champions.
Infinity Orb – This item grants the highest amount of cooldown reduction allowing Annie to spam Summon: Tibbers to her heart’s content.
Morellonomicon – A well-rounded item that grants HP, AP, magic penetration, and makes your magic damage apply Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds. If the enemy has no sustain or healing champions, build
Crystalline Reflector instead.
Void Staff – This item has the biggest magic penetration value which is perfect when enemy front-liners itemize against you.
Assassin Child
Infinity Orb – Makes your abilities deal bonus critical damage when damaging low HP enemies for swift execution. Build this item instead of Luden’s Echo if you plan on increase your ganking early on and when snowballing a winning lane.
Liandry’s Torment – Make your abilities deal HP-based DPS. This item is perfect for heroes with high HP like Alistar and Blitzcrank.
Runes for Annie in Wild Rift
- Electrocute allows Annie to secure her kills thanks to the additional damage when doing combos.
- Brutal grants bonus AP and magic penetration.
- Second Wind – Regenerates a percentage of your missing HP and grants a passive bonus health regeneration to help against early game pokes.
- Manaflow Band helps Annie solve her early game mana problems.
In our Annie Wild Rift Guide, here are the best champion spells that you can equip on her.
Ignite helps you burst down enemies with one combo even in the early game. Use it to counter the heal summoner spell and high sustain champions as well.
Flash is a must for Annie because her spells have short range and she has no abilities relating to mobility. She can either use flash to initiate or for escape.
Skill Order
We will want to max 1st, Disintegrate first because it is spammable and has quite the range to it. It is useful for poking and last hitting in the laning phase. We will max 2nd, Incinerate next to increase your overall damage and we will max 3rd, Molten Shield last because the utility it provides does not fit Annie’s role as a mid lane nuker. But if you are playing as Dragon lane support Annie, it might be better to max your 3rd after your 1st. As always, put a point in your ultimate whenever possible.
After casting 4 abilities, the next offensive ability stuns enemies hit for 1.25 seconds.
Hurls a fireball that explodes in a small area, dealing 80 magic damage (80 + 80% AP). Killing an enemy refunds Disintegrate’s Mana cost and halves its cooldown.
Releases a cone of fire that deals 70 magic damage (70 + 70% AP) to all enemies within it.
Shield Tibbers or an allied champion for 3 seconds, absorbing 60 damage (60 + 60% AP). Enemies who attack the shield take 25 magic damage (25 + 30% AP).
Tap to cast on self.
Summons Tibbers, dealing 150 magic damage (150 + 60% AP) to nearby enemies. For the next 30 seconds, Tibbers deals magic damage, burning nearby enemies by 20 (20 + 10% AP) per second and attacking enemies for 50 (50 + 20% AP).
Tibbers Enrages (hasting him by 100% and granting 210% Attack Speed) when summoned, an enemy champion is hit by Pyromania, or Annie Dies.
Re-activate: Order Tibbers around.
Abilities Analysis
Innate: Pyromania
Pyromania makes her 5th damaging ability stun all enemies hit. The skill counter is visible under Annie’s life bar. The next ability will stun when the last counter turns purple. It can be seen by both allies and enemies.
As the counter is visible to both allies and enemies, you will notice that your enemies will be warier of you as your counter goes up. Try to catch your enemies off guard by executing combos that will cause you to stun them even if you have only 2 or 3 ticks on your counter. We will discuss some skill combos later.
Q | 1st: Disintegrate
Disintegrate is your main poking and damaging tool. It is a skill shot that deals damage to the first target it hits and to a small area around it. It is different from the PC version which is a single target homing projectile.
Use Disintegrate to last hit minions because killing them using your 1st will refund its mana cost and half of its cooldown.
Since Disintegrate is no longer a homing projectile, it is not as viable a tool to control mobile champions unlike in the PC version. It can still be used as such but it is better to use your Pyromania stun with your 2nd, Incinerate or Ult, Summon: Tibbers because of the wider range these skills have.
W | 2nd: Incinerate
Incinerate damages enemies in a small cone in front of her. The casting time is almost instant so an Incinerate + Flash combo is a guaranteed stun when Pyromania is up. It passes through enemies and even goes through Yasuo’s Windwall.
E | 3rd: Molten Shield
Molten Shield grants a shield to the target champion or to Tibbers. The shield scales with her AP and it damages enemies who attack the shielded target. This skill does not consume Pyromania but it adds to the stack. Tap to cast on self.
R | Ultimate: Summon: Tibbers
Summon: Tibbers is a strong burst AoE damage spell that deals quite the DPS afterward. Annie’s ult has quite the range and size which makes it the ideal ability to use together with Pyromania. This skill can turn around team fights with one tap of a button.
Tibbers enrages when summoned, when Pyromania actives, or when Annie dies. An enrage Tibbers moves and attacks twice as fast so make sure he is hitting the target you want through controlling him by directing him using her ult key.
Activating Annie’s Ult has a slight delay and mobile champions such as Zed or Fizz will try to avoid this ability. If faced with mobile enemy champions, try to use Summon: Tibbers after Pyromania or as a follow-up to your teammates crowd control abilities.
Skill Combos:
2 Pyromania count poke combo:
3rd – 2nd – 1st
2 Pyromania count all-in combo:
3rd – 1st – Ult – 2nd
2 Pyromania count all-in combo vs mobile champs:
3rd – Flash – 1st – 2nd – Ult – 1st
3 Pyromania poke combo:
1st – 2nd
3 Pyromania all-in combo:
1st – Ult – 2nd
3 Pyromania all-in vs mobile champs combo:
Flash – 1st – 2nd – Ult – 3rd – 1st
Annie Early Game Guide
Annie has a relatively safe early game because she has an all-around kit. Her 1st, Disintegrate can be used to safely last hit. It refunds your mana when it is used to cs so you don’t have to worry about your mana when you use it for minions.
Her 2nd, Incinerate can be used to shove minion waves if you are being pushed into your turret. And your 3rd, Molten Shield can be used to keep your HP at a healthy level against pokes.
Once you have three stacks on your passive, move forward to threaten your lane opponent with your stun. They will be forced to back away because they will be bursted down if they get stunned. But remember that when you do this, you should be aware of where the enemy jungler is. Or at least, stay close to the side where your ward is.
Look out for your jungler and help them especially if the Scuttlers are being contested. Your stun and shield are a great help for your jungler.
Once you hit level 5, try to kill your lane opponent if they are low in HP or shove your lane then look for a lane to gank.
Annie Late Game Guide
Annie is extremely dangerous in the late game with her burst damage. The only problem with Annie in this stage is she is limited by her short range.
In order to compensate with her short range, you should patiently wait for enemies under brushes so you can surprise them with your damage.
Annie is also great for follow-up damage if your teammates have reliable crowd control.
And on crucial situations, you can always use your Flash and Protobelt Enchant to initiate fights and pick off enemies by yourself.
For our Annie Wild Rift Guide, we highly recommend using with the following champions as they synergize well with her.
Alistar and other tanks with near instant and large scale initiations like Amumu and Malphite are perfect teammates for Annie because they allow Annie to flank and follow-up their initiation with ease.
All Annie Wild Rift Counter Champions
In this section, we’ll specifically show champions that can easily counter Annie in Wild Rift.
Lux is a tough match up for Annie because she out-ranges Annie by a large margin and her all-in combo can one-shot her. Another thing is that her Prismatic Barrier can provide shield to her allies which will save them from getting combo’d to death by Annie.
Fizz and other assassins like Zed and Akali is a skill match up versus Annie but Annie is the underdog against them because she lacks the range and mobility to fight these assassins. She should get Barrier instead of Ignite when facing them to avoid getting bursted down.
Pros & Cons About Annie
Here are some pros and cons if you are playing with Annie in Wild Rift.
- Annie is a simple champion that is easy to learn and does not take a lot of time to play effectively. In fact, you could contribute a lot to your team from the get-go with her.
- She has high damage output with low cooldown skills.
- Annie has a shorter range compared to other mages.
- Her short range is coupled with no mobility skills does not help her case. Her low mobility makes her easy to kill when she fails to land her stun and/or when her Flash is on cooldown.
- She can feel useless when falling behind.
FAQ's About Annie in Wild Rift
How good is Annie in Wild Rift?
Annie is a (Tier A+) pick. She is not an overwhelming pick but she can serve as a counter to Yasuo and she can still carry especially if she snowballs from early kills.
What role / lane should I play with Annie in Wild Rift?
Annie is usually played in the middle lane as an AP carry or in the Dragon lane as a support.
What abilities do I level up with Annie?
We will want to max 1st, Disintegrate first because it is spammable and has quite the range to it. It is useful for poking and last hitting in the laning phase. We will max 2nd, Incinerate next to increase your overall damage and we will max 3rd, Molten Shield last because the utility it provides does not fit Annie’s role as a mid lane nuker. But if you are playing as Dragon lane support Annie, it might be better to max your 3rd after your 1st.
What items should I build with Annie?
Annie’s core items and Luden’s Echo for more poke damage and burst, Awakened Soulstealer so she can use her ultimate as often as possible and Rabadon’s Deathcap for potent burst combos.
What Runes should I use when playing as Annie?
Electrocute allows Annie to secure her kills thanks to the additional damage when doing combos. Her other runes are Brutal, Regenaration, and Manaflow Band.
Any tips for stunning more enemies with Annie?
Always hide in the brushes to surprise enemies because Annie has a short range. Always use your 2nd, Incinerate or your ultimate, Summon: Tibbers to stun more enemies thanks to its wide range. Surprise enemies by using your Protobelt Enchant or Flash.