Master Yi Wild Rift Build & Guide
Recommended Builds
Master Yi has tempered his body and sharpened his mind, so that thought and action have become almost as one.The grace and speed of his blade ensures resolution is always swift. Master Yi is a beginner friendly Assassin / Fighter which can deal insane amounts of DPS.
Master Yi Wild Rift Build Recommendation
Here are Item Build Recommendations that works on this champion and which are the best build for Master Yi Wild Rift in this patch.
Jungling Bladesman
This is the standard build for Jungle Master Yi Wild Rift which prioritizes Blade of the Ruined King and Statikk Shiv for its passives which aid on ganks and small skirmishes.
Immortal Shieldbow – Increases your attack damage and attack speed and grants physical vamp. While having the physical vamp, the shield that it provides when a champion drops to 35% HP is essential for champions that relies on lifesteal or physical vamp, especially Master Yi.
Gluttonous Grieves – Provides additional omnivamp to increase your sustain in fights. It is recommended to get the Quicksilver Enchant to have the Quicksilver active which dispels crowd control effects. The Teleport Enchant is a viable choice as well so you can split push better.
Solari Chargeblade – its Sunburst passive grants additional critical chance and bonus true damage to critical strikes.
Infinity Edge – Increases your critical strike damage.
Navori Quickblades – Grants the Deft Strikes passive that reduces the cooldown of your basic abilities for each critical strike landed so you can spam Master Yi’s Alpha Strike more often.
Guardian Angel – Grants you the resurrect passive which restores your health and mana upon taking lethal damage every once in a while.
Fighter Bladesman
This fighter build allows you to dish and receive more damage than the usual jungle build for Master Yi Wild Rift.
Phantom Dancer – Grants similar stats to Statikk Shiv but its passive is a defensive one which grants you a shield when your HP drops below a certain % which is useful to outplay your enemy on 1v1 duels.
Bloodthirster – Provides a lot of physical vamp and overhealing will convert the life stolen into a shield.
Runes for Master Yi in Wild Rift
- Conqueror – Grants you bonus AD for every attack. Since you are a DPS machine, this benefits you more the fight drags on.
Jungling Bladesman:
- Gathering Storm – Grants an increasing AD bonus as the game goes on, making you even more potent in the later stages of the game.
- Hunter – Titan – Gives you additional health and tenacity for every unique takedown you make. If you are fighting a CC-heavy team, this rune and Mercury’s Threads is a great combination.
- Hunter – Genius – Provides additional cooldown reduction for each unique takedown.
Fighter Bladesman:
- Hunter – Vampirism – Each takedown grants additional AD and physical vamp. Scaling you to a late game vampiric monster in combination with Blade of the Ruined King and Bloodthirster.
- Second Wind– Regenerate missing HP when damaged and grants passive health regeneration. Helps during the laning phase.
- Sweet Tooth – Increase Honeyfruit healing and makes it give you bonus gold. The bonus gold accumulates to help you gain your item faster.
In our Wild Rift Master Yi Guide, here are Master Yi’s best champion spells that you can equip on him.
It will be impossible to jungle without the Smite tactic which grants the effects of Hunter’s Machete automatically. It helps you hunt and secure Epic Monsters as well. Upgrade it to Challenging Smite to gain an additional edge on duels or upgrade it to Chilling Smite to secure your kills on fleeing enemies. It is up to preference.
The versatility of Flash for both offensive and defensive situations makes it valuable enough to get it every single game on him. Use it to close the gap or escape difficult situations when your ultimate ends.
Skill Order
We are going to max 1st, Alpha Strike first to lower its cooldown and increase its base damage. Getting 3rd, Wuju Style next because it scales with your AD and you will get your Infinity Edge which will spike your AD in the mid game. We will make 2nd, Meditate last as its damage reduction is a constant 60% throughout the levels which is the biggest outplay factor in that skill.
Every 4th consecutive attack strikes twice for 78 physical damage (150% AD).
Becomes untargetable and strikes up to 4 enemies for 77 physical daamge (25 + 100% AD).
Attacks reduce the cooldown of Alpha Strike by 1 second.
Deals 75 bonus damage to monsters.
Can critically strike.
Channels for up to 4 seconds. Gain a damage reduction that increases to 90% during the first 0.5 seconds and heal for 40 (40 + 25% AP) each second.
Heal is increased the lower Master Yi’s Health is, up to 100%. Additionally, Master Yi can cast Meditate immediately between attacks to reduce severe damage.
Passive: Gains 6 AD (10% AD) while Wuju style is off cooldown. Additionally, it resets attacks.
Active: Attacks deal 18 bonus true damage (18 + 25% AD) for 5 seconds.
Passive: Reduces Meditate’s Cooldown by 90% and other basic abilities’ Cooldown by 70% on takedown.
Active: Becomes immune to slows, gains 25% Movement Speed and 30% Attack Speed for 7 seconds. Takedowns extend the duration by 7 seconds.
Abilities Analysis
Innate: Double Strike
His passive makes Master Yi, like its name, strike twice every couple of attacks. The second strike deals reduced damage but still applies on-hit effects. The second strike also procs the counter of Double Strike so it will actually take one less attack to proc it after the first time.
Q | 1st: Alpha Strike
Alpha Strike is Master Yi’s nuke, wave clear, and gap closer. Master Yi will blink to the target and strike nearby enemies.
When cast, Master Yi disappears from the map which means that you can use this skill to dodge certain skill shots.
You can use Alpha Strike to get close to your enemy. But there are situations in which you should rather save your Alpha Strike. Run up to your enemy with your ultimate, Highlander so you can use your gap closer to get near your target after they used their flash or blink skills.
Alpha Strike’s cooldown is reduced by 1 one second for each auto-attack Master Yi lands and it is further reduced by 70% when you take down enemy champions due to the Highlander’s passive.
W | 2nd: Meditate
Meditate is a channeling spell that will grant you damage reduction and health regeneration which increases based on your missing health.
Use Meditate to heal in between jungle camps and to absorb strong damaging abilities you cannot avoid with your Alpha Strike.
Meditate is also an auto-attack reset which when timed properly, can make you land 4 auto attacks in very quick succession.
E| 3rd: Wuju Style
Wuju Style enhances Master Yi’s auto-attack to deal additional true damage based on his AD.
When Wuju Style is available, it grants a passive bonus attack damage that is disabled while Wuju Style is on cooldown.
Activate Wuju Style before casting Alpha Strike to increase your damage output.
R | Ultimate: Highlander
Highlander increases Master Yi’s DPS and movement speed by a significant amount. It also grants Master Yi slow immunity which makes you able to run down your enemies.
Activate it as you head into your ganks, in clashes, and when taking objectives.
Highlander also grants the passive effect of reducing your cooldowns by 70% for every takedown.
All-in Skill Combo: Ult – 3rd – 1st – AA -AA – AA – 2nd – AA – 1st
Master Yi Early Game Guide
Master Yi is a farming Jungler. He has almost no ganking presence except when he is ahead and has his ultimate available.
Since Master Yi has no reliable ganking tools in the early game, you should not be actively seeking to gank enemies and simply focus on farming instead.
But this does not mean that you should not pay attention to your teammates. If a teammate near you is ganked, drop your farm and immediately go to respond and help your teammate. Do this even if the jungle monster is already below half health, why? You’ll be protecting your team this way and even pick up more gold from kills or assists.
Master Yi Late Game Guide
In the mid to late game, you’ll be carrying your team once you have enough items. The only thing that can stop you now is hard CC chains so if you play it safe and smart, you’ll guarantee your win.
One of the most common mistakes you can do while playing Master Yi is to overcommit to your chase because you are confident in the movement speed boost from your ultimate. Your teammates cannot catch up to your speed and you’ll most likely be stunned under the enemy turret or burst down by multiple enemies so instead of chasing, look to take down the nearest objective once you win a fight instead.
For our Wild Rift Master Yi Guide, we highly recommend using Master Yi with the following champions as they synergize well with him.
Master Yi requires a lot of farming in the early game to be effective. Because of this, Master Yi’s team might feel lacking in the ganking area. Having a strong mid ganker like Fizz (or Zed or Akali) needs to make up for the weak early game impact of Master Yi.
Aurelion Sol is the perfect mid laner to partner with Master Yi because he creates so much space in the map. He is tankier than most assassins as he is a battlemage but he is also a ganking-centered champion which will give Master Yi and his team the needed space for them to farm to the mid to late game.
All Master Yi Wild Rift Counter Champions
In this section, we’ll specifically show champions that can easily counter Master Yi in Wild Rift.
Vi has a strong early game presence, 2 crowd control spells, and consistent damage from the early game into the late game. If you fail to dodge her 1st, Vault Breaker, you’d be most likely dead as it would be hard for you to survive her full combo.
Olaf can clear his full jungle extremely fast and he can easily invade Master Yi’s jungle with little worries. If Master Yi’s teammates won’t help him if he gets invaded, he and his jungle will easily become a snack to Olaf.
Pros & Cons About Master Yi
Here are some pros and cons if you are playing with Master Yi in Wild Rift.
- Master Yi is one of the easiest champion to play, mechanics-wise. You just need to farm and when you have an adequate gold lead, you will kill anyone easily.
- Master Yi has one of the strongest late game auto-attack DPS in the game. He can literally 1v5 a team in the late game given the right scenario.
- Extremely farm-dependent. It is necessary to balance farming and ganking. Farm all game and your teammates are left to fight the game 4v5. Gank too much and you’ll be left behind on net worth and be useless in the late game.
- Master Yi is squishy and crowd control vulnerable which is why learning when to time your Alpha Strike and Meditate is important and it is what separates a Yi who is still learning from a “Master”.
FAQ's About Master Yi in Wild Rift
How good is Master Yi in Wild Rift?
Master Yi is a (Tier S) champion. He has late game carry potential but he leaves his teammates wanting for a gank because of his weak early game presence. He is a good introductory champion to the jungler role but it is recommended to pick other champions as you rank up.
What role / lane should I play with Master Yi in Wild Rift?
Master Yi is a melee AD carry played in the jungle. He is a weak laner so his recommended lane is the jungle where he can farm freely.
What abilities do I level up with Master Yi?
We are going to max 1st, Alpha Strike first to lower its cooldown and increase its base damage. Getting 3rd, Wuju Style next because it scales with your AD and you will get your Infinity Edge which will spike your AD in the mid game. We will make 2nd, Meditate last as its damage reduction is a constant 60% throughout the levels which is the biggest outplay factor in that skill.
What items should I build with Master Yi?
Blade of the Ruined King is the main core item on Master Yi as it grants a % HP based on-hit effect that he can delivery twice from time to time thanks to his passive. His other core items are Statikk Shiv and Infinity Edge which increases his explosive DPS through critical strikes.
What Runes should I use when playing as Master Yi?
Conqueror – grants you bonus AD for every attack. Since you are a DPS machine, this benefits you more the fight drags on. His other runes are Brutal, Hunter – Titan, and Hunter – Genius.