Milio Wild Rift Build & Guide

Recommended Builds
Milio Wild Rift Build Recommendation
Here are Item Build Recommendations that works on this champion and which are the best build for Milio Wild Rift in this patch.
The Gentle Flame
This Wild Rift Milio build consists of items that enhance his supportive utility, healing, and shielding, while also adding survivability.
Bulwark of the Mountain – This item provides ability power, health, and gold generation while also offering an on-hit shield when you use an active ability. Additionally, it helps Milio remain relevant in the laning phase in terms of sustainability and gives him the resources to keep up with gold income while providing additional shielding for his allies, which works well with his playstyle of healing and protecting.
Ardent Censer – It buffs Milio’s healing and shielding by giving bonus attack speed and on-hit magic damage to allies he shields or heals. Moreover, since Milio frequently shields and heals with his E (Warm Hugs) and W (Cozy Campfire), this item amplifies the effectiveness of his allies, particularly attack-based champions like ADCs, making them stronger in team fights.
Locket Enchant – The active from Locket provides a shield to all nearby allies, which can help protect the entire team during crucial moments like team fights or tower dives. Additionally, as a backline support, Milio can use Locket to save his team from burst damage, adding to his toolkit of protection.
Harmonic Echo – It provides additional healing when Milio casts abilities after building up charges from movement and casting. Moreover, it synergizes well with his W (Cozy Campfire), which is an AoE healing ability, further boosting the sustain Milio provides to his team in both lane and team fights.
Staff of Flowing Waters – This item grants ability power and mana regeneration, and whenever Milio heals or shields an ally, it boosts their movement speed and ability power. Additionally, since Milio’s playstyle revolves around constantly healing and shielding, this item empowers his allies, particularly mages or ability power-based champions, by making them faster and stronger in fights.
Crown of the Shattered Queen – It gives Milio survivability with its damage reduction passive when he is first engaged in fights, protecting him from burst damage. Since Milio is a backline enchanter who can be a prime target for enemy assassins or burst damage champions, this item helps him stay alive longer to continue supporting his team.
The Little Firebug
This alternative Wild Rift Milio Build is good when opposing a lane with a lot of sustain or healing. With that said, Milio should add Morellonomicon to the build, as it lessens any healing to the enemies that are hit with his abilities. This item is essential as Milio and his marksman can help out-sustain their healing and eventually win the fight.
Runes for Milio in Wild Rift
These Wild Rift Milio Runes complement his supportive playstyle by boosting his shielding, healing, and overall durability while providing utility and scaling power.
Aery – It enhances Milio’s shielding and poking. Whenever Milio shields or heals an ally with his E (Warm Hugs) or W (Cozy Campfire), Aery adds a bonus shield, further increasing the protection he provides. Additionally, Aery can also be used offensively when poking enemies with his Q (Ultra Mega Fire Kick), making it versatile for both defensive and aggressive plays.
Font of Life – It marks enemies hit by crowd control, allowing allies who attack them to heal. Milio’s Q (Ultra Mega Fire Kick) knocks back and slows enemies, activating Font of Life and allowing his team to sustain in fights. Additionally, since Milio is all about supporting his team, this rune amplifies his utility by granting bonus healing during skirmishes.
Bone Plating – It reduces incoming damage after being hit by an enemy champion. This rune helps protect Milio from burst trades in the lane or sudden engages in team fights. Moreover, as a squishy support, having extra damage mitigation allows Milio to survive longer and stay in the backline where he can continue to heal and shield his allies.
Overgrowth – It increases Milio’s maximum health as minions or monsters die nearby. Additionally, this is great for Milio’s survivability, giving him more health to withstand poke or burst damage as the game progresses. Since Milio needs to stay alive to be effective in supporting his team, the extra health scaling ensures he remains tankier in the mid to late game.
Manaflow Band – It grants increased mana and mana regeneration after hitting enemies with abilities. Moreover, Milio is very reliant on his abilities to heal, shield, and poke, and Manaflow Band helps him maintain enough mana to continue casting throughout the game, especially in the laning phase where mana can be a limiting factor.
Gathering Storm – provides increasing amounts of ability power as the game goes on. Additionally, this works well with Milio’s scaling playstyle, allowing his heals, shields, and damage to become more potent as the game reaches the later stages. Since Milio benefits from scaling AP to empower his kit, Gathering Storm ensures he remains impactful even in longer games.
In our Milio Wild Rift Guide, here are the best champion spells that you can equip on him.
Flash is a must-have for almost every champion, and for Milio, it’s crucial for positioning. As a squishy, backline enchanter, Milio lacks natural mobility and is vulnerable to enemy dives or aggressive engages.
Ignite provides Milio with some aggressive potential in the lane. Additionally, when Milio plays with an aggressive Marksman, Ignite gives him kill pressure by dealing true damage over time and applying healing reduction to enemies.
Skill Order
Milio in Wild Rift can start by taking his Ultra Mega Fire Kick ability first, for poking enemies down and winning trades with his marksman. However, that doesn’t mean that you’ll have to prioritize leveling it after level 1, as other abilities will benefit him more. With that said, we can take his E ability, Warm Hugs, after leveling up to two. This ability is one of his bread and butter in the laning phase, as it can provide a shield and bring additional damage to the enemies when timed correctly. Additionally, it is a no-brainer to prioritize this ability so level this one up as much as possible. For his third ability, you can take Cozy Campfire to have additional sustain to stay in the lane, farming much further. Last, but not least is his ultimate ability, Breath of Life. Milio must prioritize leveling this up as much as possible, as it can negate any crowd-control in an area-of-effect (AoE) range, potentially saving a team fight when cast properly.
Milio’s abilities enchant allies on touch, making their next damage deal a burst of extra damage and burn the target.
Kick a ball that knocks back an enemy. The ball launches upward on hit and falls toward the enemy, damaging and slowing enemies in the area upon impact.
Create an empowering zone that heals allies and increases attack range to those inside. The zone follows the ally nearest to the cast point.
Milio tosses a shield to an ally, temporarily increasing their movement speed. This ability has 2 charges.
Milio unleashes a wave of soothing flames that heal and remove crowd control effects from allies in range.
Abilities Analysis
Innate Passive | Fired Up!
Milio’s abilities enchant allies, causing their next basic attack or ability to deal bonus magic damage and burn enemies. Additionally, this passive adds extra damage to his team’s auto-attacks, giving allies a bit more poke and trading power in the lane. Moreover, this is her bread and butter for sustaining and supporting his allies, so playing around with this passive ability properly can and will make or break your team’s fight to victory.
Q | Ultra Mega Fire Kick
Milio kicks a ball that knocks back and slows the first enemy hit, then explodes in an area, dealing damage and slowing surrounding enemies. This first active ability provides solid crowd control and poke, making it useful for peeling enemies off his team, disrupting dives, or disengaging a losing fight.
W | Cozy Campfire
Milio creates a zone that heals allies and increases their attack range while they stay within it. Additionally, this ability is excellent for sustaining during fights or sieges, as it not only keeps the team healthy but also boosts ranged carries’ damage potential by increasing their range.
E | Warm Hugs
A quick, easy-to-cast shield that also grants movement speed. Moreover, Milio can use this ability to protect allies from burst damage while giving them mobility, making it a great tool for both engaging and escaping.
R | Breath of Life
Milio’s ultimate removes all crowd control effects from nearby allies and heals them. Additionally, this ability is incredibly powerful in team fights, as it can completely negate dangerous CC abilities like stuns or roots, turning the tide of a fight and keeping his team alive.
Milio Early Game Guide
In the early game, Milio’s focus should be on keeping his Marksman safe and empowered in the lane. Use E (Warm Hugs) to shield and give movement speed to your Marksman, helping them trade safely or avoid danger. Milio’s W (Cozy Campfire) provides healing and extends attack range, making it a powerful tool during trades or all-ins. Be careful with positioning since Milio is quite squishy—stay behind your Marksman and use Q (Ultra Mega Fire Kick) to knock back or slow enemies who try to engage. Ward the river to avoid ganks and focus on sustaining your lane partner while poking the enemy when it’s safe. Milio excels at enabling his Marksman, so focus on playing a supportive role while harassing the enemy with his abilities.
Milio Late Game Guide
In the late game, Milio’s role shifts to being a key protector in team fights. His R (Breath of Life) becomes game-changing, as it can cleanse crowd control from multiple allies and heal them, turning the tide of fights. Position yourself safely in the backline and be ready to use R to protect your team from hard engage or crowd control-heavy opponents. Use W (Cozy Campfire) to enhance your team’s attack range and provide AoE healing during fights, helping your carries stay in the fight longer. E (Warm Hugs) should be used on high-priority allies to keep them safe with shields and movement speed boosts. Milio’s Q can peel enemies off of your carries, adding valuable crowd control in crucial moments. Stay close to your Marksman and carry and always prioritize their safety, as Milio’s value increases the longer his team stays alive and healthy.
For our Milio Wild Rift Guide, we highly recommend using him with the following champions as they synergize well with him.
Nilah thrives with Milio’s enhanced healing, shielding, and crowd control cleanse, which makes her more durable and effective in close-range fights, as she is normally a close-range champion.
Jinx benefits from Milio’s increased attack range, shielding, and crowd control protection, allowing her to deal consistent damage from a distance safely.
All Milio Wild Rift Counter Champions
In this section, we’ll specifically show champions that can easily counter Milio in Wild Rift.
Leona counters Milio with her powerful engage, and long-duration stuns from Q ability, Shield of Daybreak, and E ability, Zenith Blade. Additionally, her ultimate ability, Solar Flare, can initiate from a distance, locking down Milio and preventing him from healing or shielding his allies effectively.
Thresh counters Milio by using his Q ability, Death Sentence, and E ability, Flay, to hook and pull Milio out of position, disrupting his backline play. Additionally, Thresh’s follow-up crowd control with ultimate ability, The Box, can further trap Milio, making it hard for him to escape or support his team.
Pros & Cons About Milio
Here are some pros and cons if you are playing with Milio in Wild Rift.
- Strong poking ability with his Q, Ultra Mega Fire Kick
- Great against high crowd-control team composition
- Decent compatibility with almost all marksman
- Not great against long-ranged champions after the laning phase is over
- Has generally longer cooldowns
- Very vulnerable if Q ability, Ultra Mega Fire Kick is on cooldown
FAQ's About Milio in Wild Rift
How good is Milio in Wild Rift?
Milio in Wild Rift is an A-tier champion. He is a solid support champion in Wild Rift; nonetheless, he is known for his unique healing and shielding abilities, which provide excellent utility to his team. His kit allows him to enhance the damage output of allies while also keeping them safe, making him a strong choice for protecting carries in lane and team fights.
What role / lane should I play with Milio in Wild Rift?
Milio in Wild Rift must play alongside his marksman in Dragon Lane, primarily as a support champion. Additionally, due to his lack of damage, it is relatively hard to take up other lanes, such as the mid or top lane.
What are the best runes for Milio in Wild Rift?
The best runes for Milio in Wild Rift focus on enhancing his healing, shielding, and overall utility. Summon Aery boosts his shielding and healing, while Font of Life allows allies to heal when they attack marked targets hit by Milio’s crowd control. Bone Plating provides extra survivability during trades, and Overgrowth increases his maximum health as minions die nearby, enhancing his durability. Additionally, Manaflow Band helps sustain his ability usage by granting increased mana and regeneration. At the same time, Gathering Storm provides scaling ability power, allowing his heals and shields to become more effective as the game progresses. This setup ensures Milio can protect and empower his teammates while remaining resilient throughout the game.
What is the best build for Milio in Wild Rift?
The best build for Milio in Wild Rift focuses on enhancing his healing, shielding, and utility. Start with Bulwark of the Mountain for ability power, health, and a protective shield. Follow up with Ardent Censer to amplify healing and grant allies bonus attack speed and on-hit magic damage. Harmonic Echo boosts his healing output, while Staff of Flowing Water provides ability power and movement speed to allies he heals or shields. Crown of the Shattered Queen offers survivability with damage reduction when first engaged, and Locket Enchant provides additional protection to nearby allies. Additionally, this build allows Milio to support and empower his team effectively throughout the game.
When is the release date of Milio in Wild Rift?
Milio is expected to arrive in Wild Rift on September 20, 2024.