Lee Sin Wild Rift Build & Guide

Recommended Builds
Lee Sin is a principled fighter who channels the essence of the dragon spirit to conjure his fabled burning fists and blazing roundhouse kicks. Lee Sin is a jungler who excels in early game duels. He is extremely strong during the early stages of the game and he uses that to snowball his team into victory.
Lee Sin Wild Rift Build Recommendation
Here are Item Build Recommendations that works on this champion and which are the best build for Lee Sin Wild Rift in this patch.
The Blind Monk
This is the standard Lee Sin Wild Rift build which takes advantage of his early game damage to snowball the game for his team.
Youmuu’s Ghostblade provides additional movement speed upon stacking allowing you to rapidly close distance and gank early in the game. This item pairs well with Lee Sin as he is supposed to dominate the whole map.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity – The cooldown reduction from this boots allows you to spam your abilities more often. The Enchantment you’ll use to upgrade your boots will depend on your play style. Stasis Enchant to counter burst damage and buy time for cooldown is good defensive option and Protobelt Enchant for an additional dash and damage is a good offensive option.
Death’s Dance – Converts a percentage of damage you receive into DPS so you’ll have more room to steal back the life you lost due to the fact that you regain a percent of your HP upon performing or executing a takedown be it a kill or assist.
Guardian Angel – Secure your lead and avoid being shut down and granting your enemies a large bounty from your head by utilizing his item’s Resurrect passive which grants you a second life.
Sterak’s Gage – Grants a huge AD and HP bonus as well as the Lifeline passive which grants you a shield when your HP drops below a certain percentage.
Mortal Reminder – Burst down anyone using this item’s huge physical penetration stat and Grievous Wounds effect.
The Blind Tank
This item build grants you more HP which gives you more room to work with if you are facing a CC heavy team or your team lacks a frontliner.
Black Cleaver – Grants a good amount of HP boost and a stacking armor reduction debuff.
Runes for Lee Sin in Wild Rift
- Electrocute – Lee Sin wants to burst down his enemies fast and this Keystone Rune which gives bonus damage on combos helps with just that. Conqueror grants a more linear AD bonus and allows you to deal more damage in the long run which is especially useful if you are using the tank build.
- Brutal – Grants additional damage and armor penetration.
- Hunter – Titan – Grants bonus HP and tenacity on unique takedowns.
- Pathfinder – Grants bonus movement speed when walking in the jungle, bushes, or river.
In our Lee SinWild Rift Guide, here are the best champion spells that you can equip on him.
Smite is a must for a jungler like Lee Sin. It grants you the Hunter License passive which increases your capability to kill jungle monsters in exchange of receiving reduced gold amounts from lane minions. The Smite active is useful for securing buffs and secondary objectives like Drakes, Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor. Upgrade into Chilling (Blue) Smite for the slow to secure kills in gank or upgrade into Challenging (Red) Smite if against an aggressive early game junglers like Xin Zhao, Vi, or Olaf.
Flash is a must on Lee Sin because there are just endless offensive options you can do with it and when worse comes to worst, you can always use Flash to escape.
Skill Order
1st, Sonic Wave, is maxed first because it has the highest possible damage output out of all of Lee Sin’s abilities. 2nd, Safeguard, is maxed next to reduce its cooldown and therefore increase Lee Sin’s Mobility and 3rd, Tempest, is maxed last because, in fights, you are using it for its slow and not its damage. Get a point in your ultimate whenever possible.
Gains 50% Attack Speed for his next 2 attacks within 3 seconds. The first attack restores 20 energy and the second restores half of that amount.
Sonic Wave: Fires an energy wave that deals 60 physical damage (60 + 100% bonus AD) to enemies and reveals them. Hitting an enemy allows Resonating Strike to be cast within 3 seconds.
Resonating Strike: Dash to enemy marked by Sonic Wave, dealing 60 to 120 physical damage (60 + 100% bonus AD to 120 + 200% bonus AD) based on its missing Health.
Safeguard: Dashes to target location. If an enemy is nearby on arrival, Lee Sin shields himself for 60 (60 + 100% AP) for 2 seconds. Allows Iron Will to be cast within 3 seconds.
Safeguard’s cooldown is reduced by 1 second with each attack.
Iron Will: Next attack to deal an additional 50 magic damage (50 + 80% AP) and gain 35% physical and magic vamp.
Tempest: Deals 90 magic damage (90 + 100% bonus AD) to nearby enemies and reveals them. Hitting an enemy allows Cripple to be cast within 3 seconds.
Cripple: Slows enemies hit by Tempest by 30%, decaying over the course of 4 seconds.
Kicks an enemy champion, dealing 150 physical damage (150 + 200% bonus AD + 13% of the target’s max HP) and knocking it away.
Deals physical damage equal to 150 (150 + 200% bonus AD) plus 13% of the kicked champion’s maximum Health to enemies hit by the kicked champion and knocks them up for 1 second.
Abilities Analysis
Innate: Flurry
Lee Sin gains bonus attack speed and has his next two attacks restore energy. Always attack once or ideally, twice, each time you use an ability. Both when killing jungle monsters or when fighting champions.
Q | 1st: Sonic Wave
Lee Sin fires an energy wave in the target direction which damages the first enemy hit and marks them. Lee Sin can then recast Sonic Wave to perform Resonating Strike to the marked target which will make him dash to the target and deal damage which increases the lower the marked target’s health is.
Sonic Wave is Lee Sin’s secondary gap closer. If possible, it is better used as a finisher because it deals more damage the lower the enemy’s HP is. Plus, you can and you should re-cast this ability once the enemy used Flash or their escape tool so you can stay on top of them.
You can use Sonic Wave as your primary engage. In fact, it has superior range, even compared to most champions. But make sure that you will land the ability because you lose half of your damage output if you fail to land this ability.
Think twice before re-casting Sonic Wave because you might land in a dangerous position. Just let the ability go into cooldown if you are unsure of the situation that awaits you on the marked champion.
Use Sonic Wave to move in between jungle camps to optimize your jungle pathing.
You can surprise an enemy behind a minion by casting Sonic Wave first then smiting the minion which is between you and your target Champion.
For the purpose of combo discussions later, the first cast of Sonic Wave will be called 1st1 and the second cast, 1st2
W | 2nd: Safeguard
Safeguard is Lee Sin’s main mobility and defensive tool. The first cast of this ability allows you to dash to a target location and if there is a nearby enemy on his arrival, Lee Sin gains a shield.
The second cast is called Iron Will and it is an auto-attack reset that also grants bonus magic damage and a large amount of omni vamp for Lee Sin’s next two attacks. Always attack once before casting Iron Will again to execute a double attack.
Safeguard is best used as your main engage tool because it a safe and sure way to get close to your enemy.
You can bait enemy skills by dashing in using 1st2, Resonating Strike, then dashing out using Safeguard.
For the purpose of combo discussions later, the first cast of Safeguard will be called 2nd1 and the second cast, 2nd2
E | 3rd: Tempest
Tempest is an AoE magic damage ability that reveals enemies. Tempest can then be re-casted to Cripple enemies which will slow them.
Tempest is a great help in clearing jungle camps with multiple monsters like the Raptors, Wolves, and Krugs.
The reveal on Tempest is great when fighting against Akali and Vayne, which are currently the only two champions who can turn invisible on demand.
The slow of Cripple is great for setting up your 1st1, Sonic Wave.
R | Ultimate: Dragon’s Rage
Dragon’s Rage is a heavy single-target nuke which knocks your main target away and also damage and knocks up all enemies who collide with the main target. You can sneak in an auto-attack during the animation of Dragon’s Rage.
Dragon’s Rage has three main uses:
- To Burst down an enemy champion: Dragon’s Rage deals an amazing amount of single target damage and is a viable weapon to quickly kill off the enemy’s priority carry.
- Burst Combo 1: 2nd1 + AA + 3rd1 + AA + 2nd2 + AA + 3rd2 + 1st1 + Ult + AA + 1st2 + AA
- Burst Combo 2: 2nd1 + AA + 3rd1 + AA + 2nd2 + AA + Ult + AA + 1st1 + 1st2 + AA
- To do an Insec play: Insec is the Pro Player who made this combo famous. It is using Dragon’s Rage to knock the enemy back to your team.
- Insec Combo 1: 1st1 + 1st2 + 2nd1 (to enemy’s back) + Ult + Flash out
- Insec Combo 2: 2nd1 + Ult + Flash (to enemy’s back, must be done quickly) + 1st1 + 1st2
- As a counter initiation to knock up the enemy team: Direct your Dragon’s Rage target into the enemy team. An arrow will be visible when targeting the enemy. This is extremely powerful as a counter initiation against good tank initiators like Malphite or Alistar because it will deal a portion of their HP as damage to enemies they collide with.
Practicing the full burst combos will give you a good sense of all the other combos you can use.
This combo list is non-exhaustive and should be taken with a grain of salt. Practice in tutorial mode then AI first before playing PVP then Ranked mode because Lee Sin is a hard champion to master.
Lee Sin Early Game Guide
Lee Sin is an extremely strong ganker in the early game and mid game so you should take advantage of his ganking strength from the very start.
Ward the enemy’s blue buff to track their jungler’s movement then proceed to kill the red buff or the Raptors first if you think there is a chance of being invaded or interrupted in your jungle by Alistar or Blitzcrank. After reaching level 2, immediately look to gank the mid lane or the lane at your red buff side, whichever is easier to gank.
The lane easier to gank is usually the one that is:
- Closer to your turret.
- Your ally has a CC.
Afterward, if you see the enemy jungler in their blue buff, you can either choose to invade and steal or go to your own blue buff. If you don’t see the enemy jungler, there is a high chance that they are already stealing your own buff and you can choose to defend your jungle and maybe secure the first blood if you are not low from your gank.
It’s easy to caught up in Lee Sin’s ganking playstyle and forget about farm as it feels so easy and natural once you get the hang of it but remember that ganking is not a reliable source of gold so make it a habit to path through the jungle by killing jungle camps in between ganks.
Lee Sin Late Game Guide
In the later stages of the game, Lee Sin’s power falls of but one thing remains, his extreme objective control thanks to his ultimate, Dragon’s Rage.
When contesting Dragon or Baron, kick away the enemy’s jungler just before the objective’s HP gets into smiting level so that you’ll win the smiting contest without a problem.
Yes getting that perfect Insec play is satisfying as heck but nine times out of ten, it won’t be practically worth it. It is way better to use your Dragon’s Rage to peel for your ADC and combo someone to death while doing so.
For our Lee Sin Wild Rift Guide, we highly recommend using him with the following champions as they synergize well with him.
Yasuo is an infamous partner of Lee Sin which either works extremely well or fails extremely hard. Lee Sin ganks hard so Yasuo can farm in peace so he can carry the load in the later stages of the game and their ultimates flow perfectly together as Dragon’s Rage can easily set up Yasuo’s Last Breathe.
Ziggs will handle the turrets while Lee Sin will handle the ganks. Objective control is easy and straightforward with these two at the helm of the team.
Corki is a farming mid laner who benefits from Lee Sin’s early ganks and will pick up the team once Lee Sin starts to fall off.
All Lee Sin Wild Rift Counter Champions
In this section, we’ll specifically show champions that can easily counter Lee Sin in Wild Rift.
Olaf hits harder and farms faster than Lee Sin at all stages of the game. It is mostly a skill match up but if Lee Sin loses even just one early game duel against this Viking, then he will most likely lose the game as well.
Gragas is one tough champion to beat as he has high amounts of damage and sustain all game, plus he has two crowd control abilities which can easily disrupt your gameplay. Do not enter before he reveals himself especially in the late game.
Vi has a fast clear time, just as fast as Lee Sin’s, and her ganks are equally deadly. Try to gank opposite of her as her knock-ups can disrupt you hard. If you can bait her ultimate then jump towards the turret, she’s dead meat. But if she catches you without your W, Safeguard, then you’re the one who’s most likely to die.
Pros & Cons About Lee Sin
Here are some pros and cons if you are playing with Lee Sin in Wild Rift.
- Lee Sin is an extremely loaded hero with 7 unique abilities cramped down into 4 buttons. He has two mobility abilities. A shield, a slow, an on-hit effect, a knockback, and burst damage filled in between it all. He plays fast and hard and kills enemies in a blink of an eye.
- Lee Sin clears fast and ganks the enemy team hard. This usually results in him snowballing the game too hard to the point that the enemy team has no possibility of a comeback because of the gold and level gap or simply because they are tilted to oblivion.
- Due to Lee Sin’s loaded kit, he can be played in endless ways and do combos using infinite combinations. This makes him unpredictable and fun to play over and over again.
- Lee Sin is a high-skill floor champion which means you need a lot of practice before you can use him effectively. Before using Lee Sin, it is recommended to play the tutorial first, then play versus AI, then use him on the PVP game mode and be comfortable with him first before using him in ranked mode. For the love of all the gods of all religions, and for science for our atheist friends, DO NOT PRACTICE IN RANKED.
- You really need to get used to playing Lee Sin because he is a high-risk, high-reward champion which is most effective when playing ahead through ganks and invades. Lee Sin doesn’t play well on farming games and especially when behind.
FAQ's About Lee Sin in Wild Rift
How good is Lee Sin in Wild Rift?
Lee Sin is a (Tier S+) champion. He is one of the best gankers in the game, he is strong in the early game, and his jungler clear speed is above average which makes him the favored champion in most matchups.
What role / lane should I play with Lee Sin in Wild Rift?
Lee Sin is a Jungler who is played as a ganker who is almost like an Assassin. In the late game, his play style transition more into a bruiser/peeler who enables his team to win in objectives and team fights.
What abilities do I level up with Lee Sin?
1st, Sonic Wave, is maxed first because it has the highest possible damage output out of all of Lee Sin’s abilities. 2nd, Safeguard, is maxed next to reduce its cooldown and therefore increase Lee Sin’s Mobility and 3rd, Tempest, is maxed last because in fights, you are using it for its slow and not its damage.
What items should I build with Lee Sin?
His core items are Youmuu’s Ghostblade, Death’s Dance and Guardian’s Angel. These items enable him to travel to each corner and every nook to ensure his duties are fulfilled. Also grant him the required second wind which will mark their favourable twist in the battlefield.
What Runes should I use when playing as Lee SIn?
Pick up Electrocute as Lee Sin wants to burst down his enemies fast and this Keystone Rune which gives bonus damage on combos helps with just that. Conqueror grants a more linear AD bonus and allows you to deal more damage in the long run which is especially useful if you are using the tank build. His other runes are Brutal, Hunter – Titan, and Pathfinder.
Any tips so I land my combos with Lee Sin better?
Lee Sin is a highly mechanical champion so there is no magical formula to become better than him than just to practice, practice, practice. Use the practice tool first then once you can execute combos flawlessly with him, apply it on bot matches, then pvps, and once you are are confident with him, use him on rank games over and over again until you master him.