Heimerdinger Wild Rift Build & Guide

Recommended Builds
Heimerdinger Wild Rift Build Recommendation
Here are Item Build Recommendations that works on this champion and which are the best build for Heimerdinger Wild Rift in this patch.
The Professor
This Wild Rift Heimerdinger build focuses on maximizing his poke, sustained damage, and survivability helping him execute enemies and making him hard to reach in team fights.
Luden’s Echo amplifies his poke and burst potential. Heimerdinger’s rockets and grenades have good range, and the added burst from Luden’s passive helps to chunk down enemies. Additionally, it helps him clear minions and poke from a distance, while providing essential mana for spamming abilities.
Rabadon’s Deathcap provides an enormous power spike for Heimerdinger by boosting the damage of all his abilities. His turrets, rockets, and grenade all scale well with AP, and this item maximizes his overall damage output. Moreover, it’s particularly useful in the mid to late game when he needs to secure kills or shred through the enemy team.
Liandry’s Torment synergizes well with Heimerdinger’s playstyle of dealing sustained damage. His turrets continuously attack enemies, making the burn damage consistently proc on targets, especially tanks or bruisers.
Stasis Enchant is particularly valuable for Heimerdinger as he tends to position aggressively while setting up turrets or sieging providing a bit of forgiveness when you mistakenly position him. Moreover, it gives him temporary invulnerability, which can prevent him from being bursting down in dangerous situations like team fights or dives, allowing him to survive long enough to continue dealing damage.
Rylai’s Crystal Scepter offers a great combination of utility and survivability. The slow from Rylai’s synergizes incredibly well with Heimerdinger’s turrets, rockets, and grenades. Moreover, it makes it harder for enemies to escape his turret zone or avoid his rockets, and the extra health gives him more durability in team fights, where positioning is crucial.
Crown of the Shattered Queen provides a crucial layer of protection for Heimerdinger, who can often be a target of enemy engagements due to his immobility and reliance on turrets. Additionally, the damage reduction allows him to survive initial burst attempts, making it harder for assassins or diving champions to burst him down. This item also provides a defensive option while still boosting his AP to keep his damage relevant.
The Councilor
This alternative Wild Rift build for Heimerdinger allows him to function as a utility-heavy support with zone control and poke, while also applying Grievous Wounds to counter healing-heavy enemies.
Black Mist Scythe – As a support, Heimerdinger won’t be getting the same farm as a solo lane, so Black Mist Scythe provides a way for him to generate income while still poking the enemy with his turrets, rockets, or grenades.
Morellonomicon – Heimerdinger’s role is not only to deal damage but to disrupt and debilitate the enemy team. Morellonomicon’s Grievous Wounds passive is excellent for countering champions with healing or lifesteal (like ADCs with sustain or healing supports). Heimerdinger’s turrets and rockets, which deal persistent magic damage, can easily apply Grievous Wounds to multiple enemies, especially in prolonged fights.
Runes for Heimerdinger in Wild Rift
These Wild Rift Runes for Heimerdinger maximize his burst damage, scaling, and effectiveness against both squishy and tanky enemies.
Electrocute – Heimerdinger can easily proc Electrocute with his abilities. A typical combo of his W (Hextech Micro-Rockets) and E (CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade), combined with a turret shot or additional auto-attack, activates Electrocute. This burst of additional damage helps secure kills or win trades in the lane.
Gathering Storm – provides scaling AP, ensuring that his damage continues to increase as the game progresses. Additionally, this is especially useful for longer games where his turrets and abilities become more lethal.
Coup de Grace – allows Heimerdinger to finish off low-health enemies more easily by increasing his damage against them when they drop below 35% health.
Giant Slayer – is particularly effective when facing tankier mid-laners or bruisers in the enemy team. Moreover, Heimerdinger is naturally a squishy champion, and this rune allows him to deal more damage to enemies with higher health pools, such as tanks or bruisers that he might face in mid or during team fights.
Transcendence – makes it particularly useful for longer games. By reducing ability cooldowns, Heimerdinger can have more consistent access to his poke and zone control tools, which are crucial in extended team fights.
Scorch – As a support this rune is essential for helping to chunk enemies down to low health for your marksman to execute them. Additionally, its lingering effect can be annoying to enemies when they have substantial sustain, especially when you already built Morellonomicon for him.
Eyeball Collector – This rune is also essential for Heimerdinger to get more Ability Power to strengthen his pokes, making him more useful in fights as the game progresses.
Empowered Attack – Like the Eyeball Collector, it also helps Heimerdinger to power up his next ability, dealing additional damage which is essential for a poke champion like him.
In our Heimerdinger Wild Rift Guide, here are the best champion spells that you can equip on him.
Flash is an essential spell for Heimerdinger to have an escape capability when things go rough. Moreover, it can aid him in positioning more properly if he gets caught by an enemy.
Ignite is also essential for Heimerdinger to get more kills. Additionally, it helps him to execute and finish off fleeing enemies, dealing great damage over time (DoT).
Skill Order
Heimerdinger in Wild Rift can start by first taking his Q ability, H-28G Evolution Turret. This turret is essential for wave clear and lane trading. If placed correctly, you’ll have no trouble clearing the wave in a safe position while also having the capability to deal damage safely. Then, you can take his W ability, Hextech Micro-Rockets. These rockets are one of his main damage-dealing abilities. Landing this skill shot is crucial as it’ll cause huge damage to the first target it hits. However, once you miss it, you’ll be at risk of getting punished and losing the trade in the long run as it consumes a substantial amount of mana. Thirdly, you can take his E ability, CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade. This stun ability is also crucial for Heimerdinger, as it can open several opportunities to deal damage and execute key targets in a team fight or lane trading. Lastly, you must prioritize getting and leveling his ultimate, UPGRADE!!!, as much as possible, as it upgrades his other abilities that deal more damage or have better utility.
Gain Move Speed while near allied towers and turrets deployed by Heimerdinger.
Heimerdinger lays down a rapid-fire cannon turret equipped with a secondary pass-through beam attack (turrets deal half damage to towers).
Heimerdinger fires long-range rockets that converge on his cursor.
Heimerdinger lobs a grenade at a location, dealing damage to enemy units, as well as stunning anyone directly hit and slowing surrounding units.
Heimerdinger invents an upgrade, causing his next spell to have increased effects.
Abilities Analysis
Innate Passive | Hextech Affinity
This passive encourages Heimerdinger to stick near his turret setups, especially in lane. Additionally, the movement speed he gains is an essential tool for kiting enemies, making him harder to force out of the lane when his turrets are well-placed.
Q | H-28 G Evolution Turret
This is Heimerdinger’s core ability. His turrets allow him to control areas, zone opponents, and provide consistent poke and pressure. It also fires an additional projectile to an enemy if he lands his other abilities, so it is essential to hit your shots when playing him. Additionally, managing turret placement is key to winning trades and controlling objectives, but the turrets are vulnerable to destruction if misplaced or neglected, so be mindful when placing them.
W | Hextech Micro-Rockets
This ability offers poke, burst damage, and wave clear. Landing multiple rockets on a single target can chunk down squishier champions, making it useful in both skirmishes and team fights. Additionally, it complements his kit by providing a source of long-range damage when turrets aren’t in range.
E | CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade
This ability provides crowd control and is pivotal in setting up kills or defensive plays. Hitting the center for the stun can turn fights, but it requires precision and timing. It’s also useful for stopping dashes or zoning opponents during objectives.
This ultimate ability provides flexibility, allowing Heimerdinger to adapt his ultimate to different situations. Additionally, the empowered turret is excellent for sustained control during sieges or fights, the rocket swarm gives immense burst damage for picks or team fights, and the enhanced grenade offers superior crowd control for large-scale engagements, team fights, or escapes.
Heimerdinger Early Game Guide
In the early game, Heimerdinger’s primary focus should be on establishing lane control with his H-28 G Evolution Turrets (Q). Place turrets strategically to zone your opponent and maintain lane pressure, ensuring you can farm safely while also poking your enemy with turrets and Hextech Micro-Rockets (W).
Heimerdinger excels at creating a strong defensive zone, so use your turrets to keep melee champions at bay and to punish overly aggressive plays. Moreover, always aim to poke with your W and auto-attacks to trigger Electrocute for extra burst damage.
Harass your opponent while staying safe behind your turrets, and consider placing them near the edges of bushes or objectives to maintain vision and protect yourself from ganks. CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade (E) can serve both as a zoning tool and as a defensive measure to escape ganks or set up kills if you land a stun. Lastly, controlling the wave by freezing it near your turret or using turrets to slow-push can give you a strong laning phase with minimal risk, allowing you to dictate the pace of the lane.
Heimerdinger Late Game Guide
In the late game, Heimerdinger’s role transitions to a zone controller and team fight disruptor. At this stage, your turrets can act as valuable tools for sieging towers or defending objectives like Dragon or Baron.
Always place your turrets in chokepoints or areas that force the enemy to fight within your zone of control, allowing your team to poke or engage safely. UPGRADE!!! (R) becomes critical for adapting to different situations. Additionally, use the empowered turret to hold key objectives, the empowered rockets for burst damage in team fights, or the empowered grenade for massive AoE stuns in crucial moments.
Make sure to position safely behind your team, where your Hextech Micro-Rockets can poke down the enemy from afar, and use CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade to peel for your carries or disrupt enemy engagements. Utilize Stasis Enchant if you are targeted by divers or assassins, allowing you to survive and continue dealing damage.
In conclusion, proper turret placement and your ability to control zones are key to winning extended team fights and securing objectives in the late game.
For our Heimerdinger Wild Rift Guide, we highly recommend using him with the following champions as they synergize well with him.
Amumu is a great jungle champion to pair with Heimerdinger. His hard crowd-controlling abilities can provide enough stalling for Heimerdinger’s abilities to land and execute targets.
Jhin is one of the best marksmen to pair with Heimerdinger as a support champion. Jhin’s long-range crowd control can help lock down fleeing or attacking enemies, stalling them to make their abilities land on them.
All Heimerdinger Wild Rift Counter Champions
In this section, we’ll specifically show champions that can easily counter Heimerdinger in Wild Rift.
Syndra is a threat to Heimerdinger for her long-range stun and poke. One miss from Heimerdinger’s abilities, especially his stun, will open up a possible punishment from Syndra.
Akali is also a threat to Heimerdinger for her all-in engagements. When she dives to him with her ultimate, Perfect Execution, it’s up to Heimerdinger to hit his stun to her, as he will be a dead man if he fails to do so,
Pros & Cons About Heimerdinger
Here are some pros and cons if you are playing with Heimerdinger in Wild Rift.
- Several bursts of damage with his abilities
- Harder to gank with his turrets and positioning
- Can put pressure on enemies even in the early stages of the game
- Has a hard crowd-control area-of-effect (AoE) skill that’s essential in team fights
- Bad turret placing can result in them being easily taken down
- Has low base stats
- Uses a lot of mana, which also makes him useless if you don’t land his shots
FAQ's About Heimerdinger in Wild Rift
How good is Heimerdinger in Wild Rift?
Heimerdinger in Wild Rift is an S-tier champion because of his unique strengths in lane control, poke, objective control, and team fighting. His ability to adapt to various situations with his empowered ultimate makes him a versatile pick. Additionally, he is hard to gank, scales well, and offers strong utility and damage across multiple roles, making him an impactful champion throughout the game.
What role / lane should I play with Heimerdinger in Wild Rift?
Heimerdinger in Wild Rift can take the mid-lane as it is the most optimal role for Heimerdinger in Wild Rift, with support being a solid alternative if you prefer playing a utility-based role.
What are the best runes for Heimerdinger in Wild Rift?
The best runes for Heimerdinger in Wild Rift, are Electrocute for burst damage, Gathering Storm for scaling AP over time, Coup de Grace to finish off low-health enemies, and Transcendence for more ability cooldowns if you want to go for a Mid lane role. This setup boosts his poke, burst, and late-game power.
If playing support, Aery helps with poke damage, Weakness increases team damage when you impair enemies, Bone Plating reduces incoming damage for durability, and Manaflow Band gives extra mana for sustained harassment. As a result, this makes him effective at poking, zoning, and controlling fights in both roles.
What is the best build for Heimerdinger in Wild Rift?
The best build for Heimerdinger in Wild Rift includes Luden’s Echo for Poke and Mana, Rabadon’s Deathcap for a big AP boost, and Liandry’s Torment for burn damage and shredding tanks. Ionian Boots of Lucidity with Stasis Enchant provides cooldown reduction and safety, while Rylai’s Crystal Scepter slows enemies to enhance zoning, and Crown of the Shattered Queen gives AP and protection from bursts. This build maximizes poke damage, zone control, and survivability, making Heimerdinger effective in both team fights and lane control.
When is the release date of Heimerdinger in Wild Rift?
Heimerdinger is expected to arrive in Wild Rift on October 17 2024.