Dr. Mundo Wild Rift Build & Guide

Recommended Builds
Dr. Mundo Wild Rift Build Recommendation
Here are Item Build Recommendations that works on this champion and which are the best build for Dr. Mundo Wild Rift in this patch.
Not a Doctor Jungler
This is the standard item built for Dr. Mundo which gives emphasis on his early oppressiveness in order to pressure the enemy team in the early game.
- Sunfire Aegis‘s Immolate effect from this ability allows you to farm the Jungle camps fast and deal a good amount of DPS just by standing near your opponents.
- Thornmail – Reflects damage and reduces enemy healing
- Stoneplate Enchant – Shield
- Spirit Visage – Increases healing and shielding received
- Mantle of the Twelfth Hour – Recover health when you are low on heath
- Amaranth Twinguard – In-combat durability
Not a Doctor Tank
Thornmail grants the Thorns passive which reflects auto attack damage dealt to you and inflict your attacker with Grievous Wounds. You’ll want this item because you’ll want to peel for your team against the ADC of the enemy team.
Runes for Dr. Mundo in Wild Rift
- Fleet Footwork grants healing and bonus movement speed on attacks once in a while. Great for your early game rotation. For the top lane, Grasp of the Undying is your alternative Keystone rune for the healing on trades and extended duels.
- Triumph makes champion takedowns restore health and deal more damage on enemies with low HP. This is excellent on Dr. Mundo because he thrives on extended duels and low HP fights.
- Adaptive Carapace grants bonus max HP and bonus adaptive resistance when below 50% health. The bonus resistance will be armor or magic resist depending if more physical or magic damage has been taken in the past minute. For the top lane, Conditioning is the better choice because it helps you resist burst damage in the mid and late game.
- Mastermind grants additional damage to Epic Monsters and towers. As a Jungler, you are going to play around objectives and this rune will allow you to take them faster. The alternative rune is Pack Hunter which grants you bonus movement speed when near an ally.
In our Dr. Mundo Wild Rift Guide, here are the best champion spells that you can equip on him.
Smite is required for Junglers as it assist you in taking the Jungle camps and for securing objectives. Since you are already strong in the early game. The Blue Smite is the better choice since what you lack is crowd controls.
Flash is a must for Dr. Mundo because he does not have any mobility abilities. This allows you to play more aggressively as you can Flash in on distant targets or dive towers then Flash on your way out.
Ghost is another good summoner spell for Dr. Mundo when playing in the top lane. This grants additional mobility so you can function more effectively as a space creator for your team. Ignite is a good spell in the top lane but I do not recommend it because you don’t want to play aggressively as a top laner in the early game.
Skill Order
We’re going to get a point in 1st, Infected Bonesawbecause it deals HP-based damage which is effective against the buff jungle monsters then max the 3rd, Blunt Force Trauma first because it grants the highest possible damage output in the early game. Plus, the cooldown of Masochism is reduced every time it is leveled up. We are going to max 1st next to increase its damage output as well then max 2nd, Heart Zapper last. Of course, we are going to get a point for Dr. Mundo’s ultimate, Maximum Dosage, whenever possible.
Dr. Mundo resists the first Immobilizing effect that hits him, instead losing Health and dropping a chemical cannister nearby. Dr. Mundo can pick it up by walking over it, restoring Health and reducing this Ability’s Cooldown. Dr. Mundo also has significantly increased Health regeneration.
Dr. Mundo throws an infected bonesaw, dealing damage to the first enemy hit based on their current health and slowing them.
Dr. Mundo electrocutes himself, dealing persistent damage to nearby enemies and storing a portion of damage he takes. At the end of the duration or on Recast, Dr. Mundo deals a burst of damage to nearby enemies. If the burst hit an enemy, he heals a percentage of the stored damage.
Passive: Dr. Mundo gains bonus Attack Damage, increasing based on his missing Health.
Active: Dr. Mundo slams his “medical” bag into an enemy, dealing additional damage based on his missing Health. If the enemy dies they are swatted away, dealing damage to enemies they pass through.
Dr. Mundo pumps himself with chemicals, instantly healing a percent of his missing Health. He then gains bonus Attack Damage and Move Speed, and regenerates a portion of his maximum Health over a long duration.
Abilities Analysis
Innate Passive: Goes Where He Please
The first immobilizing effect that hits Dr. Mundo is resisted by his passive, losing 7% of his current HP instead and dropping a Chemical Canister. Retrieving the Canister reduces the cooldown by 10 seconds and heals Dr. Mundo by 8% of his max HP. Enemies can destroy the Canister by walking over it.
The cooldown of this passive starts at 40 seconds but at level 13, it goes down to 10 seconds which makes it possible for Dr. Mundo to be almost permanently immune to crowd controls.
Keep in mind that the cost for the passive is 7% current HP and it heals for 8% max HP. So, the lower Dr. Mundo’s current HP is, the bigger the HP benefit he gets from activating this passive.
Aside from the immobilizing effect, Dr. Mundo also heals for 1% to 2%, scaling with level, of his max HP every 5 seconds.
Q | 1st: Infected Bonesaw
Infected Cleaver deals HP-based damage. This ability also slows down the affected target. This ability is great in chasing down opponents and chipping down HP of enemy tanks.
Dr. Mundo will stop for a short while when casting Infected Bonesaw so aim the ability well or else risk losing your target.
You can Flash-buffer this ability by immediately casting Flash after using this ability. Aside from increasing the range of the ability, it also cancels the part where Dr. Mundo stops to throw his Bonesaw. This technique is great for closing distance and for finishing off enemies.
W | 2nd: Heart Zapper
Heart Zapper deals magic damage per second to nearby enemies and after its duration, deals another burst of magic damage based on Dr. Mundo’s bonus HP. If the final detonation damaged an enemy, Dr. Mundo heals for a portion of the damage he has received during Heart Zapper’s duration.
Heart Zapper refunds a large portion of the damage you have received during its duration so the timing when you use it is crucial to increasing the overall “tanky” feel of Dr. Mundo.
You have to activate Heart Zapper at the moment the enemy team decides to focus on you. You may reactivate Heart Zapper earlier if your health dips into a dangerous level. Just make sure that an enemy is nearby when you reactivate Heart Zapper to proc the heal.
E | 3rd: Blunt Force Trauma
Blunt Force Trauma empowers Dr. Mundo’s next attack to deal a large amount of additional physical damage, increasing based on his missing HP. Passively, it also increases his AD based on his missing HP.
If the target is killed by an attack empowered by Blunt Force Trauma, the target is swatted away and those who are hit by the flying corpse are dealt the same damage. Small monsters are automatically swatted away even if they are not killed.
The swatting mechanism should be used to harass your matchup as in the laning phase you will most likely last hit minions at the same time.
R | Ultimate: Maximum Dosage
Maximum Dosage is what makes Dr. Mundo annoyingly hard to kill because it grants him a large amount of instant healing, HP regeneration over a short duration, a large amount of AD and, it grants him a substantial movement speed bonus.
The initial healing is based on his missing HP so make sure to cast it when your HP is below 50% to make the most out of this ultimate.
Maximum Dosage has an interesting mechanic in conjunction with the Stoneplate Enchant. The Stoneplate Enchant increases the wielder’s max HP by 40% (up to 100% when there are 3 or more champions nearby). When Maximum Dosageis casted during the effect of Stoneplate Enchant, the HP regeneration is based on the buffed amount of HP which in effect increases the HP regeneration by the same percentage. This is a great tactic when facing Grievous Wounds because it basically cancels the 40-60% healing reduction.
When you are low in HP while this effect is activated and there is a champion with a potentially lethal nuke, Garen for example, use the bonus movement speed to temporarily exit the battle in order to recover your HP to a safe level before heading back to battle. A second out of battle will quickly revert your HP back to more than half.
Combo: 1st – 2nd – AA (auto attack) – 3rd – AA – 1st – AA
Dr. Mundo Early Game Guide
Dr. Mundo as a jungler has a very fast clear time. Use this fact to slowly but surely gain an advantage against the enemy jungler.
Always do a full clear because you are a weak ganker but you can clear your jungle fast and that will result in a positive gold and exp gap against the enemy jungler assuming that your team does not feed the enemy jungler.
Make sure to grab the Scuttler because it is an immense help to your team and because of your clear speed you’ll most likely arrive at the Scuttlers faster than the enemy jungler. Do not shy away from contesting because you are strong in the early game.
If you see the enemy jungler on the opposite side of the map, quickly run to their jungle and clear their jungle monsters. You’ll easily kill one or two camps before they’ll be able to react.
When ganking, always remember these things:
- Your teammate must have reliable crowd control because you do not have that.
- The enemy must have their mobility ability or flash on cooldown.
- The enemy is overextended.
Those three things must be true for your gank to have a high chance of success. If one of those conditions is absent, it will be better to simply run back to your jungle to farm or invade the enemy jungle.
Remember that you have a fast clear speed and you can easily solo the Drakes fast so sneak in and start doing the drake but remember to ping your team to join you to increase your chances of killing them.
Dr. Mundo Late Game Guide
In the mid game and the late game, Dr. Mundo shines in the art of tower diving.
You can now freely gank lanes because you’ll simply shrug turret damage. Just remember that you have to outnumber who you are diving. Think of the turret as another champion and you’ll most likely lose a 2v3 or 3v4 situation even if you are fed.
Always look at your HP bar because most of the enemy have their Grievous Wounds to counter you now.
If you are affected by Grievous Wounds and you are getting low, simply run back to your back liners and stay there while you recover your HP. Rinse and repeat.
The later the game goes, the more your damage and carrying capability drops. So play around your team and protect them and enable them to kill enemies by catching skill shots and turret damage for them.
Dr. Mundo Video Guide
For our Dr Mundo Wild Rift Guide, we highly recommend using him with the following champions as they synergize well with him.
We are going to pair Dr. Mundo with Zed because of his ability to snowball in the early game and mobility which augments Dr. Mundo’s high impact early game roaming. Plus, in the later stages of the game, Zed will benefit from Dr. Mundo’s ability to create space and chaos where Zed can capitalize on opportunities to assassinate the enemy’s carries.
Lulu‘s Wild Growth makes Dr. Mundo an even more terrifying force who can run down opponents with his bonus HP and movement speed slow. The shield from her 3rd, Help Pix! helps him survive through Ignite and other Grievous wounds Effects.
All Dr. Mundo Wild Rift Counter Champions
In this section, we’ll specifically show champions that can easily counter Dr. Mundo in Wild Rift.
As mentioned earlier, Garen is a threat to Dr. Mundo because he can execute him using his ultimate, Demacian Justice when he gets low on health. Dr. Mundo plays effectively when maintaining a lower health percentage but Garen would make it harder to do so.
Darius loves extended trades and he would happily fight Dr. Mundo on one. His ultimate, Noxian Guillotine deals true damage that becomes stronger when the enemy has more Hemorrhage stacks the enemy which will be the end of Dr. Mundo.
Varus is currently the only champion who can apply Grievous Wounds through his abilities. He has abilities that deals %HP based damage so he is a natural counter to Dr. Mundo through and through.
Pros & Cons About Dr. Mundo
Here are some pros and cons if you are playing with Dr. Mundo in Wild Rift.
- Dr. Mundo has an oppressive early game roaming. He can outplay and outpace many early game junglers like Lee Sin and Xin Zhao.
- Very tanky and has high sustain capabilities and high damage output while at it.
- Has natural defenses against magic damage and crowd controls.
- Dr. Mundo is easily countered by Grievous Wounds and physical burst damage.
- He has no hard crowd control of his own.
- Will most likely lose the game when he gets outplayed and outpaced in the early game.
FAQ's About Dr. Mundo in Wild Rift
How good is DR. Mundo in Wild Rift?
Dr. Mundo is an (Tier S) champion. He is a safe pick because of his fast jungle clear and high survivability but he is not viable on higher ranks because people will buy Grievous Wounds item early on to counter him.
What role / lane should I play with Dr. Mundo in Wild Rift?
Dr. Mundo is a great jungle and Baron lane pick. It is viable to pick him when your team has no other tanks but has enough CC already.
What abilities do I level up with Dr. Mundo?
His 3rd, Blunt Force Trauma is high priority ability to level up because it is his main source of damage and it also passively grants him a good amount of magic resistance. His 1st, Infected Bonesaw is maxed next because it chunks out a good % of the enemy’s HP upon hit.
What items should I build with Dr. Mundo?
Sunfire Aegis is optional to increase his jungle clear speed. His core items are Spirit Visage to increase the regeneration and healing he receives and Warmog’s Armor for the huge bonus HP and rapid healing outside battle.
What Runes should I use when playing as Dr. Mundo?
Fleet Footwork is a great Keystone Rune for Dr. Mundo as a jungler because it heals him which helps in the early game and its movement speed boost is amazing when trying to stay on top of enemies. Grasp of the Undying works as well but it only works when playing in the Baron lane. You should always get Triumph for Dr. Mundo because it heals him on takedown and the bonus damage against low HP enemies can work wonders on clutch situations.
How do survive against Grievous Wounds on Dr. Mundo?
When playing in the high elo, playing against Grievous Wounds can be tough for Dr. Mundo. Rush your core items and buy the Stoneplate Enchant to counteract the Grievous Wounds effect and adopt a hit and run play style.