Orianna Wild Rift Build & Guide

Recommended Builds
Orianna is a technological marvel comprised entirely of clockwork accompanied by an extraordinary brass sphere she built for companionship and protection. Orianna is a Mage that manipulates the battlefield by using the ball to damage, shield and speed up allies, slow enemies, and even launch them up for an amazing 5 man control.
Orianna Wild Rift Build Recommendation
Here are Item Build Recommendations that works on this champion and which are the best build for Orianna Wild Rift in this patch.
Mage Clockwork
This is the standard Orianna Wild Rift build which builds her up into a strong long-range poke mage which is effective all game long.
Archangel’s Staff – Allows Orianna to have unlimited mana supply, along with high AP and ability haste bonuses. When it upgrades into Seraph’s Embrace it will grant a shield when your HP drops a certain percentage, making Orianna extremely hard to kill because she’ll have three layers of shield together with her 3rd, Command: Protect and Barrier.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity – Increases your ability haste as you want to spam your spells as much as possible. Upgrade with the Stasis Enchant to counter burst damage champions or upgrade with the Quicksilver Enchant if the enemy team has many crowd control abilities.
Liandry’s Torment – Makes her abilities burn enemies based on their HP. Synergizes with Orianna’s hit and run and continuous poking playstyle. With this, the longer the fight goes on, the stronger Orianna becomes.
Rabadon’s Deathcap – Provides the highest amount of AP in the game. After getting this item, you’ll be able to kill most non-tank champions with one combo.
Void Staff – Destroy champions with one combo after building this item which grants the highest amount of magic penetration.
Morellonomicon – Grants magic penetration and Grievous Wounds which is essential to counter sustain heavy champions like Dr. Mundo. Consider buying this item earlier if your team is having a hard time facing these kinds of champions. If the enemy team has no healing or sustain champions, buy
Crystalline Reflector instead for more survivability.
Support Clockwork
Orianna Wild Rift can be played as a support in the bot lane and this item build will provide tons of utility for her and her team. The Mage build is also viable for a support Orianna but if you have confidence in your team or if you are nursing a late game marksman like Vayne, Kai’Sa, or Jinx then this is the way to go.
Harmonic Echo – Provides a healing effect to your target and 3 other allied champions whenever you activate your shield, Command: Protect.
Ardent Censer – Provides an offensive buff that increases the attack speed and adds additional magic damage to your auto attacks and to the target of your shield, Command: Protect.
Athene’s Unholy Grail – This is another item that grants a healing effect but how it is stacked works differently as you need to damage enemies in order to gain a stack for this item’s heal.
Runes for Orianna in Wild Rift
- Electrocute – Orianna can easily proc this during the laning phase which helps in making her a difficult opponent during the laning phase. It also increases her burst damage and potential to one-combo kill her enemies in the mid and late game. Aery should always be picked as the Keystone rune when playing as a support because of its superior utility value as it can damage enemies and shield allies. Conqueror was a popular Keystone rune for Orianna because it increases her damage linearly which is great at long fights but this has recently been nerfed which makes Electrocute the better option now.
- Brutal – Adds additional AP and magic penetration to increase your burst potential. Weakness is the support alternative that increases your team’s damage to slowed or controlled opponents.
- Hunter – Titan – Increases your HP and crowd control resist on takedowns to help you survive against the enemy mid’s damage. Loyalty as the support alternative as this rune provides bonus armor and magic resist to you and to the nearest allied champion.
- Hunter – Genius – Provides additional cooldown reduction for each unique takedown. Pack Hunter provides bonus movement speed when near an ally. Unique takedowns will grant bonus gold to you and to the nearest ally.
In our Orianna Wild Rift Guide, here are the best champion spells that you can equip on her.
Orianna is weak against burst damage champions so Barrier is a great choice for her as this gives her room for outplays against aggressive enemies.
Flash is necessary for Orianna because she is an immobile champion who struggles against burst damage chargers.
Skill Order
1st, Command: Attack is maxed first because it is our main damage tool. Its cooldown scales with the levels so the more you level it up, the more you can spam it. 2nd, Command: Dissonance is maxed second so the slow/haste utility will get stronger and 3rd, Command: Protect is maxed last. Although, if your team is struggling and you are in the support position, you can max E first for the additional shield. Get a point in your ultimate whenever possible.
Orianna’s Ball acts as a focal point for her abilities. It automatically returns to her if she is too far away from it.
Attacks deal 13 bonus magic damage (13 + 15% AP). Subsequent attacks against the same target within 4 seconds deal an additional 3 magic damage (3 + 3% AP). Stacks up to 2 times.
Commands the Ball to fire toward a target location, dealing 60 magic damage (60 + 50% AP) to targets along the way. The damage decreases by 10% for each unit it hits (Minimum 50%).
The Ball remains at the target location afterward.
Commands the Ball to release an electric pulse, dealing 60 magic damage (60 + 60% AP) to nearby enemies.
The pulse leaves behind an energy field for 3 seconds, slowing enemies by 20% and speeding allies up by 20% for 2 seconds. The effect diminishes over time.
Active: Commands the Ball to attach to an allied champion, granting a shield that absorbs 60 damage (60 + 40% AP) for 4s, dealing 60 magic damage (60 + 30% AP) to enemies it passes through.
Passive: The Ball grants 10 Armor and Magic Resist to the champion it is attached to.
Commands the Ball to unleash a shockwave, dealing 150 magic damage (150 + 70% AP) and launching nearby enemies toward the Ball after a brief delay.
Abilities Analysis
Innate: Clockword Windup
Orianna’s Brass Sphere or Ball acts as the center of her abilities. The ball can be directed to move to and from Orianna using her 1st, Command: Attack or 3rd, Command: Protect. It automatically returns to Orianna if the distance between them becomes too far.
Orianna’s auto attacks are boosted with additional magic damage which increases with each successive attack. This makes Orianna’s laning phase extremely strong. Make sure to auto-attack your lane opponent at least twice when trading with them. Together with her 2nd, Command: Dissonance‘s slow/haste effect, kiting with Orianna is easy with enough practice.
Q | 1st: Command: Attack
Command: Attack is Orianna’s main poke ability which damages all enemies it pass through. It deals less damage for each enemy it passes through, though.
During the laning phase, do not hesitate to use it to last hit (cs) minions. When you do this, try to hit the enemy champion as well. Yes, it will deal less damage to the enemy champion but you are hitting two birds with one stone so why not?
This ability has a low cooldown and mana cost so spam it to last hit and poke the enemy.
Command: Attack serves like a “base” for her 2nd, Command: Dissonance and Ult, Command: Shockwave. These abilities will automatically activate after the ball reaches the target location even if pressed during the ball’s flight.
You can hide the ball in walls using this ability. A hidden ball will surprise the enemy team and give them less time to react.
In the mid game and late game, it is also a viable strategy to simply put the ball in a location where you don’t want to go. For example, choke points or behind the enemy towers. Orianna’s ball has an amazing presence in the later stages of the game because the enemy team generally doesn’t want to be near it because of Command: Shockwave‘s impact on team fights.
Orianna’s ball reveals the area it is in so use it to scout bushes and beyond walls instead of facing checking it.
W | 2nd: Command: Dissonance
Command: Dissonance provides AoE damage as well as a lot of utility because it provides movement speed bonus to allies and slows enemies for the same amount at the same time.
The haste/slow effects an area and allies and enemies that pass through it becomes affected and it also refreshes the duration as long as the champions are in its area.
E | 3rd: Command: Protect
When Orianna uses Command: Protect, the ball quickly moves to the target champion or towards Orianna and grants them a shield. When the ability is tapped, the Ball will return to Orianna. You have to manually target an allied champion for the Ball to fly towards them and shield them.
Command: Protect also has a passive component that grants additional armor and magic resist.
Takedowns will grant you assist even if you don’t do any damage just by using this ability on your allies participating in the takedown.
If you want to assist an ally from afar, an 3rd + 2nd, Command: Dissonance combo is more reliable to protect and speed them up. Then follow up with a 1st, Command: Attack if possible.
The ball moves faster using Command: Protect compared to Command: Attack so if you need the ball somewhere near you or your ally, use this ability first before redirecting it using Command: Attack.
Command: Protect works extremely well with champions who like to go in fast like Malphite or Jarvan IV. When they use their skills to initiate into the enemy team, the ball will follow them and you’ll be able to use your ultimate, Command: Shockwave to finish the job.
R | Ultimate: Command: Shockwave
Command: Shockwave is a great initiation or follow-up initiation ability that knocks up and displaces enemies. Landing this on all 5 enemy champions will always result in an instant GG but of course, it won’t always happen. Landing it to one or two important enemy champions is enough as a strong game impact ultimate.
Use in combination with your other abilities to knock up and damage as many enemies as possible. Use the “hide the ball inside a wall” trick to surprise the enemy or use 3rd, Command: Protect to a reliable initiator for a montage-worthy wombo combo.
You can also use Command: Shockwave while the ball is with you and quickly reposition yourself with Flash to surprise the enemy team. This is very situational though and is not worth doing in most cases.
Poke/clear combo: Q + W + E
Wombo Combo: E (to an ally initiator) + W + Ally initiates + R + Q + W + E
Orianna Early Game Guide
Orianna is a mid lane bully from level 1 thanks to the long range from her 1st, Command: Attack and increasing damage from her passive, Clockwork Windup.
Establish lane dominance early on by activating your Electrocute proc whenever possible to deal more damage efficiently.
Once the enemy backs away because you have higher HP than them, position yourself in the middle of the minions and place your ball between you and the enemy so they’ll be discouraged from getting close so you can deny them gold and experience. If you’ll do this, remember to ward at least one side of the river to prevent being ganked.
If the enemy tries to fight you back, do the poking combo, 1st + 2nd +3rd then auto-attack them while you have a shield. More often than not, they’ll lose the trade.
Orianna Late Game Guide
In the middle to late game, be present in every team fight. Orianna has an extremely strong team fighting presence thanks to her damage, slow & movement speed bonus, shielding, and knock-up.
If you have an ally with strong crowd control or initiation, coordinate your ultimate, Command: Shockwave with their crowd control.
Otherwise, you can place your ball in a chokepoint so that the enemy will be discouraged from using that path. This technique is especially useful when taking a dragon or Baron.
Spam your abilities, simultaneously damaging enemies and supporting allies.
For our Orianna Wild Rift Guide, we highly recommend using her with the following champions as they synergize well with her.
Jarvan IV can easily dive into the enemy’s team and create a devastating wombo-combo play with Orianna.
Wukong’s Cyclone makes it easy for Orianna to land her Command: Shockwave.
Alistar is an engage support with strong initiation abilities which synergizes well with Command: Shockwave.
All Orianna Wild Rift Counter Champions
In this section, we’ll specifically show champions that can easily counter Orianna in Wild Rift.
Zed is the bane of Orianna. He will make Orianna’s game a struggle with his constant kill pressure from level 3 and up. Build the Stasis Enchant ASAP against Zed.
Corki has a long range ability and he has a mobility tool which makes him capable of surviving and even winning the lane against Orianna. His mid and late game damage output is also stronger than Orianna and once in a while, when he has his Package available, he can also provide strong crowd control and initiation.
Pros & Cons About Orianna
Here are some pros and cons if you are playing with Orianna in Wild Rift.
- Orianna is a well-rounded champion which is effective all game long. She is fairly strong from the early game to the late game and she fits almost all team compositions. You can never go wrong in maining Orianna.
- She is a lane bully which makes her a hard opponent to lane against and as you get more used to Orianna, the early game advantage she brings will translate to more and more wins.
- Orianna has a ton of utility from the long-range damage she deals to the way she can slow enemies and hasten allies at the same time. She can also shield and improve her ally’s defenses and last but not least, she has a strong AoE crowd control which can turn a game with it alone.
- Orianna is extremely susceptible to ganks because she has no mobility skills and her only form of self-peeling is a slow and shield.
- She is mechanic heavy and it can take time for a player to learn her effectively. There are situational plays with her which only experience can teach
FAQ's About Orianna in Wild Rift
How good is Orianna in Wild Rift?
Orianna is a (Tier S) champion. She has one of the strongest laning phase in all mid lane champions and she has one of the strongest team fighting presence among mid laners as well.
What role / lane should I play with Orianna in Wild Rift?
Orianna is primarily played as an AP carry in the middle lane but she can also be played as an off meta enchanter support.
What abilities do I level up with Orianna?
1st, Command: Attack is maxed first because it is our main damage tool. Its cooldown scales with the levels so the more you level it up, the more you can spam it. 2nd, Command: Dissonance is maxed second so the slow/haste utility will get stronger and 3rd, Command: Protect is maxed last. Although, if your team is struggling and you are in the support position, you can max E first for the additional shield.
What items should I build with Orianna?
Archangel Staff is the first core item on Orianna as it grants her the ability to spam her abilities without having to worry about her mana and once it transforms into Seraph’s Embrace, it will grant her a shield when she is low on health. Her next core item is Liandry’s Torment which synergizes with her hit and run and continuous poking playstyle.
What Runes should I use when playing as Orianna?
Electrocute – Orianna can easily proc this during the laning phase which helps in making her a difficult opponent during the laning phase. It also increases her burst damage and potential to one-combo kill her enemies in the mid and late game. Her other runes are Brutal, Hunter – Titan, and Hunter – Genius.
Any tips so I can land my Orianna's ultimate more consistently?
The easiest way to land Command: Shockwave is to chain it with a reliable crowd control from your allies. You can also set up your ball with 1st, Command: Attack and wait for enemies to walk into it.