Mordekaiser Wild Rift Build & Guide

Recommended Builds
Mordekaiser Wild Rift Build Recommendation
Here are Item Build Recommendations that works on this champion and which are the best build for Mordekaiser Wild Rift in this patch.
This Wild Rift Mordekaiser build consists of ability power, sustain, and survivability that help him to dominate enemies.
Riftmaker enhances Mordekaiser’s damage in extended fights, where he excels. The omnivamp provides significant sustain, allowing him to heal from the damage he deals, while the true damage component helps him cut through even tanky opponents.
Rylai’s Crystal Scepter synergizes perfectly with Mordekaiser’s kit by adding a slow effect to his abilities. This makes it easier for him to stick to targets, control the battlefield, and ensure that his sustained damage and passive continue to affect his enemies.
Liandry’s Torment is excellent for shredding tanks and dealing consistent damage over time, particularly in extended fights where Mordekaiser thrives. Additionally, combined with Rylai’s slow, the burn effect is amplified, making it potent for wearing down enemies, especially those with high health pools.
The Stasis Enchant is crucial for surviving burst damage or key abilities that could otherwise threaten Mordekaiser’s effectiveness in fights. It also allows him to buy time in critical moments, reposition, or wait for cooldowns to come back up.
Sunfire Aegis increases Mordekaiser’s durability against physical damage while also adding consistent AoE damage to his kit. Moreover, the burn effect from Sunfire complements his playstyle of staying in the thick of the fight, contributing additional sustained damage to nearby enemies.
Spirit Visage enhances Mordekaiser’s magic resistance and healing, which synergizes with the omnivamp from Riftmaker and the healing from his W ability, Indestructible. Additionally, this item makes him even harder to kill, allowing him to withstand magic damage and sustain through the fights effectively.
The Unstoppable Mordekaiser
This alternative Wild Rift Mordekaiser build replaces Sunfire Aegis and Spirit Visage with Infinity Orb and Amaranth Twinguard for more potent one-on-one combat against Mages or AP users.
Infinity Orb boosts Mordekaiser’s ability to execute low-health targets with bonus crit damage on his abilities, making him more lethal in finishing off opponents. Moreover, the added magic penetration helps him cut through enemy defenses, ensuring his abilities remain effective even against opponents with high magic resistance.
Amaranth Twinguard is ideal for Mordekaiser because it significantly enhances his durability in extended fights, where he shines. Moreover, the longer he stays in combat, the tankier he becomes, allowing him to survive and continue dishing out damage even against high-damage opponents or prolonged team fights.
Mercury’s Treads are crucial for Mordekaiser when facing teams with heavy crowd control (CC). The tenacity reduces the duration of stuns, slows, and other CC effects, allowing him to maintain pressure in fights and not be easily locked down. Also, the additional magic resistance adds to his survivability against magic damage.
Runes for Mordekaiser in Wild Rift
These Wild Rift Runes for Mordekaiser reflect the different playstyles and situations he can face, allowing him to adapt and thrive in various scenarios on the Rift.
Conqueror is perfect for Mordekaiser due to his playstyle of extended trades and prolonged fights. And as a champion who thrives in close combat, Conqueror allows him to stack up damage quickly and sustain himself through the healing it provides, making him a sustained damage threat in team fights.
Nullifying Orb offers extra protection against burst magic damage, which can be crucial when facing AP-heavy opponents. Additionally, the shield can give Mordekaiser enough time to turn the fight around or escape a lethal situation.
Overgrowth synergizes well with Mordekaiser’s natural tankiness and scaling. As he gains more health, he becomes harder to kill, which enhances his ability to stay in fights and exert pressure in the late game.
Giant Slayer is particularly effective against tanky opponents. Additionally, since Mordekaiser often faces champions with high health pools, this rune helps him deal more damage to those targets, making him more effective against tanks and bruisers.
Grasp of the Undying enhances Mordekaiser’s trading power in the lane by providing sustain and extra damage during prolonged trades. Moreover, the bonus health gained over time also complements his naturally high durability, making him even tankier as the game progresses.
Triumph provides crucial sustain during team fights by restoring health after securing kills or assists, allowing Mordekaiser to stay in the fight longer. Moreover, this is especially valuable for a champion like him, who often finds himself in the thick of the action, making it easier to survive and continue dealing with damage.
In our Mordekaiser Wild Rift Guide, here are the best champion spells that you can equip on him.
Flash is an essential tool for Mordekaiser, as it can help him catch or escape enemies. It also serves as one of his gap-closing abilities to catch enemies within his Ultimate range.
Having Ignite as an additional summoner spell is a must for Mordekaiser, as it can help eliminate fleeing enemies, sealing the deal before they can run away with their lives.
Skill Order
Mordekaiser in Wild Rift can start by taking his Q ability first, Obliterate, as it is his primary source of damage. He can already win duels just by consistently hitting this ability, especially in the game’s early stages, so utilize it as soon as possible. Moreover, prioritizing this ability to level up will yield great benefits to Mordekaiser due to its damage. Then, you can take his W ability, Indestructible, for better survivability in lanes whenever he trades damage with the enemy. This ability also helps him stay alive at the brink of death, as it can let him heal or shield himself with the portion of the damage he deals with beforehand. Take Death’s Grasp, his E ability to quickly pull enemies. It also enables Mordekaiser to close the gap between long-ranged champions, such as marksmen and other mages. It lets him swiftly take out fleeing targets, especially in team fights. Additionally, you must prioritize this after maxing out his Q ability first for lower cooldowns. Lastly, take his ultimate ability, the Realm of Death, whenever it is available. This ultimate ability is essential to Mordekaiser, as he can isolate crucial targets, taking them out of the team fights and eliminating them all by himself. It can nullify the usefulness of the isolated champion in a team fight, so activating it to high-damaging ones like marksmen and mages will be beneficial.
Mordekaiser gains a powerful damage aura and Move Speed after landing 3 attacks or spells against champions or monsters.
Mordekaiser smashes the ground with his mace dealing damage to each enemy struck. Damage is increased when hitting a single enemy.
Mordekaiser stores damage he deals and takes to create a shield. He may consume the shield to heal.
Mordekaiser pulls all enemies in an area.
Mordekaiser drags his victim to a different dimension with him and steals a portion of their stats. If he kills them, he keeps the stats until the victim respawns.
Abilities Analysis
Innate Passive | Darkness Rise
Mordekaiser gains bonus magic damage on his basic attacks and abilities that he does to nearby enemies. Full stacks grant bonus movement speed. This passive makes Mordekaiser a nightmare in close combat. The extra damage is great for wearing down enemies, and the speed boost helps him stick to them or make a quick escape if things get dicey.
Q | Obliterate
Mordekaiser smashes his big mace down on the ground, dealing a chunk of damage. If he only hits one enemy with it, that damage significantly increases. Additionally, Obliterate is Mordekaiser’s main source of burst damage. Moreover, the ability to deal extra damage when hitting a single target makes it particularly powerful in isolated duels, giving him a strong edge in one-on-one combat.
W | Indestructible
Indestructible greatly enhances Mordekaiser’s survivability. The flexibility to choose between a shield for immediate protection or healing for long-term sustain allows him to adapt to different combat situations, making him difficult to take down in prolonged fights. Additionally, having great timing in using this ability can make or break the brink of death.
E | Death’s Grasp
Death’s Grasp is a powerful tool for controlling the battlefield, as it allows Mordekaiser to pull enemies into his range, setting up for follow-up attacks or preventing them from escaping. It’s particularly effective for initiating fights or disrupting enemy positions.
R | Realm of Death
Realm of Death is a game-changing ultimate that allows Mordekaiser to take key opponents out of team fights or isolate and overpower them in one-on-one scenarios. Moreover, this ability is especially effective against high-value targets, as it can completely neutralize them, tipping the balance in his team’s favour during crucial moments.
Mordekaiser Early Game Guide
In the early game, your main focus as Mordekaiser should be farming and building up gold. Use your Q (Obliterate) to last-hit minions and poke your opponent when you can, but be careful not to overextend since Mordekaiser can be vulnerable to ganks. His passive, Darkness Rise, is great for winning trades with its consistent damage and bonus movement speed, helping you stay on top of your opponent. Moreover, use your W (Indestructible) wisely—either to shield yourself from damage or to heal up during skirmishes. Keeping the wave close to your tower is key to staying safe. When you hit level 6 and unlock your ultimate, Realm of Death, you gain a big advantage, as you can isolate and take down key enemies in one-on-one fights.
Mordekaiser Late Game Guide
In the late game, Mordekaiser becomes a true powerhouse in team fights. Your job is to be in the thick of things, soaking up damage while dishing out your own. Use your ultimate, Realm of Death, to remove the enemy’s biggest threat from the fight, giving your team a huge advantage. Additionally, stick to high-priority targets with your E (Death’s Grasp) and keep applying pressure. By this stage, your items should make you nearly unkillable in extended fights. Just be mindful of your positioning, as you still don’t have much mobility—getting caught out can be dangerous. But when played right, Mordekaiser can dominate team fights and lead your team to victory in the late game.
For our Mordekaiser Wild Rift Guide, we highly recommend using him with the following champions as they synergize well with him.
Amumu‘s AoE lockdown with his ultimate, Curse of the Sad Mummy, pairs excellently with Mordekaiser’s close-combat style. Amumu’s crowd control sets up Mordekaiser to easily deal damage and follow up with his abilities, while Amumu helps keep enemies grouped for Mordekaiser’s passive and Q ability, Obliterate, to hit multiple targets.
Leona is a great support for Mordekaiser for her heavy engage and crowd control kit that synergizes well with his ability to lock down targets. Her stuns and slows allow Mordekaiser to land his E ability, Death’s Grasp, and ultimate, Realm of Death, more easily, ensuring that key opponents are either isolated or eliminated in fights.
All Mordekaiser Wild Rift Counter Champions
In this section, we’ll specifically show champions that can easily counter Mordekaiser in Wild Rift.
Vayne is a nightmare for Mordekaiser due to her mobility and true damage. She can kite Mordekaiser effectively with her Q ability, Tumble, and shred through his health with her W ability, Silver Bolts, even when he builds tanky. Additionally, Vayne’s mobility makes it difficult for Mordekaiser to land his abilities, and her ultimate, Final Hour, lets her dodge his Realm of Death.
Fiora has the ability to block crucial abilities with her W, Riposte, making her an effective counter to Mordekaiser. Moreover, Fiora can avoid his E, Death’s Grasp, with her mobility and break his ultimate by using her strong dueling potential and healing to out-sustain him.
Pros & Cons About Mordekaiser
Here are some pros and cons if you are playing with Mordekaiser in Wild Rift.
- Has good mid to late-game scaling
- Powerful in low ranks
- Hard to take down, especially in one-versus-one
- Deals significant damage
- Can isolate opponents easily with his ultimate
- Can easily be kited by ranged opponents
- Low skill ceiling
- Generally weak when ultimate is on cooldown
- Has a weak early game
FAQ's About Mordekaiser in Wild Rift
How good is Mordekaiser in Wild Rift?
Mordekaiser in Wild Rift is an S+ tier champion. He is a strong pick due to his ability to dominate both duels and team fights. His sustained damage, innate tankiness, and self-healing make him a tough champion to deal with, especially in prolonged engagements. Moreover, his ultimate, Realm of Death, gives him incredible control by isolating key opponents, effectively removing them from team fights. While he lacks mobility, making him susceptible to kiting, his sheer power in the late game and ability to thrive in extended fights make him a solid pick for Baron Lane or Jungle.
What role / lane should I play with Mordekaiser in Wild Rift?
Mordekaiser in Wild Rift can either take a Baron Lane or Jungle for his innate tankiness and significant damage. Additionally, his sustain adds a more substantial survivability whatever the role he takes.
What are the best runes for Mordekaiser in Wild Rift?
The best runes for Mordekaiser in Wild Rift are Conqueror and Grasp of the Undying for their added buffs and sustainability, which are all essential for Mordekaiser, as he is the type of champion that fights closely with his opponents.
What is the best build for Mordekaiser in Wild Rift?
The best build for Mordekaiser in Wild Rift are Riftmaker, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, and Liandry’s Torment, which focuses on enhancing his durability, sustain, and consistent damage output. This build allows Mordekaiser to thrive in extended fights, sustain through damage, and control the battlefield while still being tanky enough to survive frontline engagements.
When is the release date of Mordekaiser in Wild Rift?
Mordekaiser is expected to arrive in Wild Rift on August 23 2024.