Akshan Wild Rift Build & Guide

Recommended Builds
Akshan is a Sentinel unlike any other. Even as a rogue, stubborn and defiant, Akshan possesses guts and a keen sense of judgement. With his mastery of stealth combat and unparalleled mobility, he rights the wrong of Runeterra’s scoundrels, reversing even death using his legendary weapon, the Absolver.
Akshan Wild Rift Build Recommendation
Here are Item Build Recommendations that works on this champion and which are the best build for Akshan Wild Rift in this patch.
On-hit Absolver
This is the standard building for Akshan Wild Rift focused on increasing his on-hit damage. With this build, Akshan’s auto-attacks and 3rd ability, Heroic Swing will deal tons of damage through on-hit effects. It also grants lots of survivability through physical vamp and Wit’s End’s passive.
Blade of the Ruined King has a straightforward synergy with Akshan as he loves the Ruined Strikes on-hit passive that applies on his double attacks and 3rd ability, Heroic Swing. Aside from that, its Drain passive that steals the movement speed of enemies makes it easier for Akshan to kite enemies to their deaths.
Gluttonous Greaves grants omnivamp that is important to Akshan’s playstyle of killing one enemy and then jumping to the next one. Buy
Mercury’s Treads instead if the enemy has lots of crowd control. The omnivamp will help Akshan maintain his HP throughout the fight. Stasis Enchant is our main upgrade with Akshan since you’d be wanting to dive low HP enemies and so the
Stasis Active will help survive turret shots. You can also use
Quicksilver Enchant because Akshan is weak against crowd controls and
Protobelt Enchant is also viable if you want to style on your enemies.
Wit’s End is another on-hit item that Akshan loves. Its high magic resist stat is great against AP casters and its At Wit’s End passive is great for low hp outplays.
Serylda’s Grudge is bought for the flat AD bonus, armor penetration, and slowing effect from its Bitter Cold passive that Akshan can repeatedly apply thanks to the low cooldown of his 1st ability, Avengerang. Build
Mortal Reminder instead if the enemy team has healing or sustain champions.
Death’s Dance has recently gotten too good to exist. With its significant amount of armor, you can count on being sustainable in a long fight even if its a bruiser.
Guardian Angel is bought in the late game because you’d want to stay alive during team fights so you can revive your teammates if they die. Its Resurrect passive will discourage enemies from using their abilities on you.
Muramana is another great on-hit item and it solves Akshan’s mana issues. Using Muramana increases Akshan’s damage output by 25% when substituted to Solari Chargeblade. The issue with it is that it takes time to come online because you have to stack the Tear of the Goddess passive first. Since it takes time to come online, this is best built on ADC Akshan.
The Critical Rogue
This item build for Akshan Wild Rift focuses on increasing Akshan’s critical damage, making him a strong auto-attacker. This is best against squishy lineups that you can burst down in a short duration.
Infinity Edge grants lots of flat AD, which scales your abilities fast in the early game. It will also increase your total damage output later on because its Infinity passive increases crit damage.
Stormrazor makes kiting enemies a breeze thanks to its Paralyze passive which slows down enemies. You can opt to buy
Statikk Shiv instead if there are no mobile enemies and if you’d want to shove waves faster in order to increase your roaming frequency.
Solari Chargeblade means serious business. Its Attack Speed boost and Crit enable you to quickly deal insurmountable amounts of damage while the enemy is struggling to gauge your abilities.
Guardian Angel is the savior of all undoubtedly, awaiting to resurrect you after you have exhaled your last breath. Since Akshan is a pretty aggressive champion, dying on the battlefield while executing intense plays is not a viable option.
Runes for Akshan in Wild Rift
- Fleet Footwork is best when playing with the on-hit build because it will enable you to kite down enemies and land more auto-attacks. Electrocute is our more aggressive alternative when you are in a matchup you are confident with so you can burst them down. Thanks to the high AD stat of Infinity Edge, Electrocute is better used in the critical build.
- Brutal is the main domination rune choice because it enables Akshan in early game trades. If you are playing as an ADC, Gathering Storm will help you scale into the later stages of the game.
- Hunter – Titan grants some tenacity and HP for each unique takedown so you can mitigate crowd controls since stuns shutdown Akshan hard.
- The bonus gold from Sweet Tooth will help Akshan reach his power spikes faster and it also helps Akshan create pressure in the lane as he is a great early game trader and the bonus healing from this inspiration rune will further increase his early game advantage.
In our Akshan Wild Rift Guide, here are the best champion spells that you can equip on him.
Barrier is a must for Akshan because he loves to tower dive low HP enemies. With Barrier, you will be able to absorb 1 more turret shot. It also increases the outplay potential on Akshan’s passive because you can double or extend his shield.
Flash is a must for offensive outplays using it in combination with Akshan’s abilities. You can also use it to escape enemies after a dive.
Skill Order
Akshan’s 1st ability, Avengerang is acquired at level 1 and 3 to aid in trading and wave clearing but his 3rd ability, Heroic Swing is maxed first because it is Akshan’s main source of burst damage and it scales well with its levels. Akshan’s 2nd ability, Going Rogue is acquired at level 8 as it doesn’t have that good of use in the early game compared to his other abilities but in the mid game, fights break out more often and respawn timers are longer and so it will help you revive teammates and roam efficiently. If the game is a brawl fest in the early game and fights break out often, considering getting an earlier point in Going Rogue to help with roaming. Invest a point in Akshan’s ultimate, Comeuppance whenever possible.
Every three hits from attacks and abilities deal an additional 25 magic damage. Against champions, also gain a shield that absorbs 40 damage (40 + 40 bonus AD) for 2 seconds (12s cd)).
After launching an attack, Akshan will fire a second shot that deals 29 physical damage (50% AD). He can cancel this shot to gain 40 Movement Speed decaying over 1 second.
Holding down the attack button will fire the second shot.
Throws a boomerang that deals 52 physical damage (5 + 80% AD), extending the range each time it hits an enemy.
Champion hits grant Akshan 40% Movement Speed decaying over 1 second.
deals 60% damage to minions.
Passive: Enemies that kill allied champions become Scoundrels for 40 seconds. When Akshan takes down a Scoundrel he gains 100 gold and reviews the slain allies.
Active: Become camouflaged for 1.75s and gain 80% Movement Speed towards Scoundrels. Duration is infinite while Akshan is near terrain or in brush.
Fires a hook to attach and swing around terrain, attacking the nearest enemy for 30 physical damage (30 + 15% bonus AD) per shot.
If Akshan collides with an enemy champion or terrain, he will jump off the rope.
Re-cast: Jumps off the rope.
Champion takedowns refresh this ability’s cooldown.
Prioritizes champions recently damaged by Akshan.
On-hit effects deal 25% damage.
Locks onto an enemy champion, charging 5 shots over 3 seconds.
Re-cast: Fires the shots, dealing 28 physical damage (20 + 12.5% AD) to the first enemy or structure hit, increased up to 109 physical damage (80 + 50% AD) based on target’s missing Health.
Abilities Analysis
Innate Passive: Dirty Fighting
Akshan’s passive has three parts. First, his third attack deals bonus damage. An enemy is marked through auto-attacks, Akshan’s 1st ability, Avengerang and 3rd ability, Heroic Swing. If the passive proc’ed on an enemy champion, Akshan gains a shield.
Abuse the shield whenever possible, especially in the laning phase where it can be used to create one-sided trading opportunities. If an enemy dives you when you are low on health, fight back with your 1st ability, Avengerang and auto-attacks to immediately proc your shield and turn the dive around.
Akshan has a grey bar underneath his mana bar that shows whether your shield is available.
The second part of Akshan’s passive is that he auto-attacks twice when stationary. The second attack deals 50% AD but applies 100% on-hit effects. This can be activated either by letting go of the movement button or by holding the attack button.
If you are holding the attack button, Akshan will stop moving while firing both attacks.
The third part of Akshan’s passive is that when you cancel the second attack by moving and not holding the attack button, Akshan will gain bonus movement speed.
One of the crucial factors in using Akshan is knowing when to use the double attack and when to cancel it.
Generally, you’d want to cancel the second attack if the enemy is fighting you back. The bonus movement speed will help you kite them and avoid their skillshots.
Use the double shot if you have allies with you and can freely hit the enemy.
If there is are two low health minions or champions (a rare case) close to each other, you can use the double shot to quickly kill both of them.
Use the double shot to finish off enemies that are going to get away from your auto-attack range, this is especially important if your ultimate, Comeuppance and 3rd ability, Heroic Swing are on cooldown.
Q | 1st Ability: Avengerang
Avengerang is Akshan’s main source of poke damage and waveclear and it adds another layer of bonus movement speed to Akshan’s kit. Its range extends for each enemy hit and enemies can hit all enemies twice.
Avengerang also applies Akshan’s passive, Dirty Fighting. If you hit an enemy with Avenegerang twice and with your auto-attack twice, you will deal a good amount of damage that is easy to pull off. This simple trading pattern is especially strong with Electrocute.
Try to mirror the enemy’s movement horizontally to increase your chances of hitting them twice with your Avengerang.
In the mid to late game, Avengerang turns into your pseudo-artillery ability because of its range extension mechanic. Since you’d want to keep yourself alive to revive allies and, focus on damaging enemies with your Avengerang from behind your team so that if a Scoundrel dies, your allies will be revived even if you are at the backline.
Make it a habit to use Avengerang before activating your 3rd ability, Heroic Swing to increase the rate of applying your passive to your enemies.
You can also use Flash to animation cancel it and surprise enemies with an instant, long-range initiation. You can also use Flash to redirect the returning Avengerang to a low hp opponent.
W | 2nd Ability: Going Rogue
Going Rogue has two parts.
First is the infamous passive. Enemies that kill allied champions become Scoundrels for 40 seconds. When Akshan takedowns a Scoundrel, he gains bonus gold and revives the ally.
Take note that Akshan simply needs to takedown the enemy, he does not need to land the last hit. Although, he needs to damage the enemy within three seconds of the enemy dying for the passive to take effect.
This passive is extremely overpowered in the later stages of the game. You should coordinate with your team to takedown Scoundrels because Akshan is weak on 1v1s against full HP opponents.
If a fed enemy gets a triple or quadra kill. Try to bait them into fighting you under your turret so that you can revive your teammates.
The second part is the camouflage active. It has an extremely short duration but can be infinitely extended where near brush or terrain. If there is a Scoundrel, Akshan sees a trail of light while he is camouflage, giving him the idea on where the enemy is.
Once he is close enough to a Scoundrel (around the range of his ultimate, Comeuppance), Akshan gains a massive movement speed boost.
You can use the camouflage for roaming to evade wards. You can also use the camouflage to fake a roam and wait for the enemy to use their abilities before jumping on them, creating one-sided trading opportunities.
Do the same when you are ganking. Wait for the enemy to use their abilities before engaging on them.
In clashes, you can use the camouflage to sneak up on low HP enemies or isolated targets so you can burst them down.
Akshan is notified through an “!” exclamation mark above his head once an enemy is inside his detection range. This notification will show even if Akshan has no vision of the enemy, making it a useful scouting tool.
Once an enemy is inside Akshan’s detection range, his silhouette is vaguely seen. Be careful because Going Rogue’s detection range is the largest compared to other champions with camouflage.
Avoid using Going Rogue in the early game to gank other lanes unless you have absolute lane priority. As an assassin ADC, Akshan is item dependent and if he loses minions he will fall behind fast.
E | 3rd Ability: Heroic Swing
Heroic Swing is Akshan’s main mobility tool and burst damage tool. It allows him to attach his swing to a target terrain and swing left or right relative to the attached location. I recommend letting go of the movement button so you’d avoid swinging in a direction you do not want to go.
Heroic Swing deals a lot of damage if pulled off correctly. At level four, it deals 150 + 15% AD per shot and it applies a 25% on-hit effect on each hit. Because of this, on-hit items like Blade of The Ruined King and Wit’s End are extremely strong on Akshan. It also applies Akshan’s passive, Dirty Fighting.
On average, you will hit enemies 3 to 5 times using Heroic Swing’s attacks. There is a higher probability of hitting the enemy with more shots if the enemy is near wall corners and near turrets/turret debris.
You can pull off full 360-degree swings on inhibitor turrets.
Heroic Swing is best used on low HP targets because it resets on takedowns. Once you get the hang of Heroic Swing, pulling off multiple swings on consecutive takedowns is an awesome feeling and it looks cool as heck.
You can reposition Akshan’s 1st ability, Avengerang and his ultimate, Comeuppance using Heroic Swing. In combination with Heroic Swing, you will be able to hit targets on impossible angles and surprise enemies.
Akshan jumps off his rope if he collides with an enemy champion or terrain, in order to avoid an awkward landing which will give the enemy a chance to burst you down, reactivate Heroic Swing before you hit an enemy champion or terrain, pressing it towards the opposite direction so you can have more room to move.
Enemies will try to body block you especially if you are using Heroic Swing to escape. To avoid this from happening, use it as early as possible if you want to escape, especially on ganks.
You can use Flash to cancel Heroic Swing to avoid the awkward landing and give yourself more time to attack or escape.
Honestly, there is no one magic tip for learning Heroic Swing. This ability is mechanically intensive and so you simply have to practice it over and over again to get the hang of it.
In Patch 2.5, Heroic Swing has been given a huge Quality of Life tweak. Akshan may now glide beside walls if he hits the wall at an obtuse angle. This will allow you to possibly traverse narrow passages in the jungle with finesse.
In order to increase your chances of gliding the wall, make sure that the dotted preview line does not hit the wall before you cast Heroic Swing.
R | Ultimate: Comeuppance
Comeuppance is Akshan’s long-range charging execution tool. It deals tons of damage, homes on the enemy, and its range about one screen long.
It sounds overpowered, I know. But of course, overpowered abilities have a catch. Comeuppance’s projectiles can be blocked by minions, enemy champions, or even turrets.
To work around this glaring weakness, we have two options:
- You can use Akshan’s 3rd ability, Heroic Swing to reposition yourself faster than the enemy can reposition themselves to block your ultimate.
- Akshan can walk during the charging time of Comeuppance but he stops when firing the shots. Heroic Swing ignores that mechanic, allowing you to fire while swinging.
- You can re-cast Comeuppance early. If you re-cast Akshan’s ultimate early, you will fire fewer shots in exchange for the shorter charge time. If you re-cast it immediately, Akshan will fire two shots.
- As an approximation tool, Akshan deals 5% of the enemy’s HP for each shot. So you can re-cast Comeuppance if the enemy has less than 10% HP and you can kill the enemy with a fully-charged ultimate when their HP is below 35% and more if you are fed. (Of course, it is a given that all the shots should hit).
Akshan Early Game Guide
In lane, look to play aggressively whenever you have your shield available so you can create one-sided trading opportunities using Akshan’s 1st ability, Avengerang and his Dirty Fighting double attacks.
At the third wave at the time stamp of 1:20~ you should clear the wave fast so you can assist your jungle in taking the scuttlers. If you see your jungler playing aggressively, repeat this pattern.
Once the enemy is low enough, they will play passively and use this opportunity to zone them out and build a slow pushing wave by only last hitting minions while denying the enemy gold and experience. Successfully pulling off a slow pushing wave will enable you to reset or roam early without any repercussions.
Ward both sides of the river so you can play aggressively and you will be able to use Akshan’s 3rd ability, Heroic Swing with less risk of being ganked and punished.
Once you reach level 5, look for an opportunity to kill the enemy laner if they are low enough or shove the wave so you can use your ultimate, Comeuppance elsewhere.
Akshan Late Game Guide
In the middle to late game, you want to clean up fights when enemies are already low on HP.
At the start of the fight, use Akshan’s 1st ability, Avengerang to damage enemies from the backline.
It is recommended that you use Akshan’s 3rd ability, Heroic Swing on low HP targets you are sure you can burst down so you can kill them and reset Heroic Swing immediately for consecutive takedowns.
Be smart on Akshan’s 2nd ability, Going Rogue usage, if the enemy’s ADC or support gets isolated from their team, use the camouflage to sneak up on them. Try to coordinate with your team when trying to takedown Scoundrels so you will have a higher chance of reviving your teammates so you can swing the game in your favor.
For our Akshan Wild Rift Guide, we highly recommend using with the following champions as they synergize well with him.
Resets, mobility, and invisibility mayhem is what the enemy team will experience against Kha’Zix and Akshan. Both of them has resetting dash so they can keep up with each other. Akshan can easily have lane priority so he can support Kha’Zix’s ganks and invades easily.
Braum’s passive, Concussive Blows can be easily activated using Akshan’s double attacks. Enemies have little counterplay options against these two and Braum’s ultimate, Glacial Fissure makes it hard for enemies to fight back against Akshan.
All Akshan Wild Rift Counter Champions
In this section, we’ll specifically show champions that can easily counter Akshan in Wild Rift.
Pantheon can easily stop Akshan in his tracks using his point-and-click stun. Once Akshan is stunned, his resets can be denied and he can be easily burst down. Build Mercury’s Treads and
Quicksilver Enchant against him.
Renekton is another highly mobile champ with a stun that is easy to use. Renekton can use his 3rd ability, Slice and Dice to body block Akshan’s Heroic Swing and he can easily shut him down with his combo. He is a mid lane counter and acquiring lane priority is hard against Renekton since he can clear waves as fast as Akshan and his burst damage on trades is nothing to scoff at. Build Executioner’s Calling ASAP and use the on-hit build against him.
Pros & Cons About Akshan
Here are some pros and cons if you are playing with Akshan in Wild Rift.
- Akshan is a high skill expression champion. He is a little hard to use but he can be extremely rewarding to master since he is an ADC assassin hybrid capable of carrying games by himself.
- Akshan has lots of mobility tools in his kit, allowing for lots of outplay potential.
- He has one of the most overpowered passive in the game: the ability to revive his teammates. If he can revive multiple teammates in the late game, the game swings back to their favor in a snap.
- Since Akshan is a high skill expression champion, you have to invest a lot of time in him through practice in order to use him to his fullest potential.
- Akshan is snowball reliant in the mid lane, if he loses his lane, it will be hard to come back in the game.
- Wild Rift’s map is small, making it hard for Akshan to use his 3rd ability, Heroic Swing to its fullest potential. If there is not going to be a change in his Heroic Swing, he will remain a b-tier champion.
FAQ's About Akshan in Wild Rift
How good is Akshan in Wild Rift?
Akshan is a (Tier A+) champion. His kit is unreliable and he needs to snowball in order to carry. Wild Rift’s small map makes it harder for Akshan to use his 3rd ability, Heroic Swing to the fullest, holding him back to his full potential.
What role / lane should I play with Akshan in Wild Rift?
Akshan’s recommended lane is the mid lane where he can take advantage of earlier power spikes and roams. He can also be played in the duo lane as an ADC and in the Baron lane as a ranged solo laner. Some also plays Akshan in the Jungle because of his unparalleled mobility but his clear is suboptimal.
What abilities do I level up with Akshan?
Akshan’s 1st ability, Avengerang is acquired at level 1 and 3 to aid in trading and wave clearing but his 3rd ability, Heroic Swing is maxed first because it is Akshan’s main source of burst damage and it scales well with its levels. Akshan’s 2nd ability, Going Rogue is acquired at level 8 as it doesn’t have that good of use in the early game compared to his other abilities but in the mid game, fights break out more often and respawn timers are longer and so it will help you revive teammates and roam efficiently. If the game is a brawl fest in the early game and fights break out often, considering getting an earlier point in Going Rogue to help with roaming.
What items should I build with Akshan?
Akshan is usually played with the on-hit build with Blade of The Ruined King and Wit’s End. If the enemy team has more squishy champions than tanks, the crit build with Infinity Edge and Storm Razor is a great alternative.
What Runes should I use when playing as Akshan?
Fleet Footwork is best when playing with the on-hit build because it will enable you to kite down enemies and land more auto-attacks. Electrocute is our more aggressive alternative when you are in a matchup you are confident with so you can burst them down. Thanks to the high AD stat of Infinity Edge, Electrocute is better used in the critical build. His other runes are Brutal, Hunter – Titan, and Sweet Tooth.
Any tips in using Akshan's 3rd ability, Heroic Swing?
Heroic Swing is a highly mechanical ability that demands spatial awareness from the player. Take your time in casting it so you can choose the optimal swinging angle. Through practice, you will be able to do it faster. Use Heroic Swing when the enemy’s HP is low so you can reset its cooldown and use it again immediately.