LoL Wild Rift Olaf ARAM Build - Items, Runes , Counter Guide


Class: Fighter

Olaf ARAM Build, Runes Guide
Recommendations on item build and runes for Olaf in ARAM (All Mid All Random) Mode in Wild Rift, along with a general guide to play Olaf in ARAM Mode. Check Olaf Main Guide.

Recommended Builds

Starting Item Spectre’s Cowl Ruby Crystal
Boots Plated Steelcaps Stoneplate Enchant
Core Items Spirit Visage Warmog’s Armor Iceborn Gauntlet
Complete Build Spirit Visage Plated Steelcaps Warmog’s Armor Iceborn Gauntlet Sunfire Aegis Thornmail
Fleet Footwork
Second Wind
Starting Item Vampiric Scepter Ruby Crystal
Boots Gluttonous Greaves Glorious Enchant
Core Items Death’s Dance Trinity Force Sterak’s Gage
Complete Build Death’s Dance Gluttonous Greaves Trinity Force Sterak’s Gage Guardian Angel Spirit Visage
Second Wind
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Olaf’s identity is clearing the jungle and epic monsters fast so his playstyle in ARAM isn’t as clear. He gets stronger as his HP goes down and when he activates his ultimate, Ragnarok, he becomes unstoppable and extremely strong in exchange for being stripped of his bonus armor and magic resists. Therefore, the best way to counter Olaf is to burst him down when he activates his ultimate and in ARAM, this is easy to do for Olaf’s ultimate because of the small, straightforward map. Because of this, Olaf isn’t the best of picks in ARAM but he can still work because he pairs well with champions with high amounts of healing like Sona or Soraka thanks to the bonus on healing received through his 2nd ability, Vicious Strikes.

If you used Olaf in ARAM. Enter fights late if you used the fighter build so you can run down enemies after they used their abilities. While Olaf’s ultimate, Ragnarok is activated, you will be able to burst down enemies one by one using his auto-attacks, 1st ability, Undertow, and 3rd ability, Reckless Swing.

But if you need a tank, you can build as a full tank and Olaf’s 2nd ability, Vicious Strikes will help him regenerate his HP fast.

Olaf Build Recommendation in Wild Rift

Here are Item Build Recommedations that works on Olaf in Wild Rift ARAM Mode.

Spirit Visage Plated Steelcaps Warmog’s Armor Iceborn Gauntlet Sunfire Aegis Thornmail
Death’s Dance Gluttonous Greaves Trinity Force Sterak’s Gage Guardian Angel Spirit Visage

It is way easier to play Olaf as a pure tank in ARAM using Spirit Visage and Warmog’s Armor to exponentially increase his health and healing. Olaf can still deal a good amount of damage as a tank and Iceborn Gauntlet will help him stay on top of enemies. But if you insist on playing him as a high damage fighter, his standard build of Death’s Dance, Trinity Force, and  Sterak’s Gage will make Olaf deal explosive amounts of damage while still being able to tank for a short while.


Fleet Footwork is great for staying on top of enemies thanks to the bonus movement speed and healing on auto-attacks. Conqueror on the other hand is perfect for extended fights because no one will be able to out damage you thanks to its stacking damage bonus. Triumph grants bonus damage against low HP targets and healing on takedowns. Second Wind‘s bonus regeneration help against pokes and Mastermind will help you demolish turrets fast.

Summoner Spells

No one will be able to outrun you with Ghost and Olaf’s ultimate, Ragnarok activated.

Flash will help you finish off kills because Olaf lacks a sudden form of mobility.