LoL Wild Rift Alistar ARAM Build - Items, Runes , Counter Guide

Recommended Builds
This ARAM Alistar build will tempt you to build Alistar AP in your rank games. (Disclaimer: This build does not work on PVP or rank unless you are smurfing.)
Building AP on Alistar will lead to surprising amounts of damage because Electrocute is easy to activate using his basic 2nd, Headbutt + 1st, Pulverize + 3rd, Trample combo. Do not worry, with Winter’s Approach and Alistar’s ultimate, Unbreakable Will, Alistar is still tanky enough to survive dives. Just do not overcommit when your ultimate is on cooldown.
A nifty trick you can use on Alistar in ARAM is using Mark/Dash as a setup for an Insec play. If you are not familiar with Insec plays, it is a signature Lee Sin technique popularized by South Korean Choi “Insec” In-Seok where the enemy is kicked into Lee Sin’s team using a series of moves. You can do something similar with Alistar using Mark/Dash. You can do this by using Dash into your Marked champion then use Flash/Protobelt to get behind your target and use 2nd, Headbutt on the target to fling them to your team. This is easier to pull off using the lock function.
Alistar Build Recommendation in Wild Rift
Here are Item Build Recommedations that works on Alistar in Wild Rift ARAM Mode.
Winter’s Approach is your first core item because you will need to have a lot of ability haste so you can frequently pull off your combos. More ability haste means that you can activate your ultimate more often as well, making it safer for you to dive into enemy lines as much as your ultimate is available.
Protobelt Enchant is an additional gap closer to surprise your enemies.
Rod of Ages adds a lot of HP. mana, and AP to your kit so you can do what you want to do carelessly.
Rabadon’s Deathcap,
Infinity Orb, and
Void Staff will make your damage output absurdly high, allowing you to stomp on your enemies one by one.
If you feel like your team has enough damage but lacks survivability, you can opt to use the second build which focuses on keeping yourself as alive and as healthy as possible. It’s not as fun as the first build, though.
Electrocute will allow you to delete your target with just one combo. Use Aftershock if you are intimidated by the enemy team’s lineup. The bonus resistances will keep you alive when you initiate fights. Triumph adds bonus damage to low HP targets and replenishes a percentage of lost health on takedowns or use Weakness so that enemies you have controlled will receive 5% more damage. Hunter – Titan is the resolve rune that grants the highest amount of bonus health, which is great on Alistar since his ultimate reduces a percentage of the total damage he receives then finally, Hunter – Genius grants bonus ability haste for each unique takedown.
Summoner Spells
Mark/Dash allows you to do an insec type play using Alistar’s 2nd, Headbutt. Reposition yourself using Flash or Protobelt Enchant to align yourself properly so you can fling your target straight to your team.
Flash is the standard initiation tool to surprise your enemies.