LoL Wild Rift Jhin ARAM Build - Items, Runes , Counter Guide

Recommended Builds
Jhin’s passive Whisper grants bonus damage to his fourth attack. Make sure to time your attacks to hit champions with the fourth attack. It’s easier to pull this off in ARAM because enemy champions are ever-present but remember that you should never overextend and endanger yourself just to land your fourth attack.
It’s best to cast your 1st, Dancing Grenade when the minions around are all low in HP so that the probability of hitting an enemy with an empowered grenade is higher.
Follow up your ally’s crowd control abilities with your 2nd, Deadly Flourish so you can chain control the enemy with your own root, increasing the chances of picking off enemies.
Place your 3rd, Captive Audience traps randomly, more on brushes for surprising plays, and spam it on clashes for bonus damage on team fights.
When casting your ultimate, Curtain Call, place the initial cast on the middle of the map so you can cover the whole map and increase your chances of hitting enemies with all four shots. Its best to use your ultimate on the end of team fights because it deals more damage the lower the enemy’s HP is.
Jhin Build Recommendation in Wild Rift
Here are Item Build Recommedations that works on Jhin in Wild Rift ARAM Mode.
Infinity Edge increases the damage output of Jhin the most since he is a crit-based champion but its attack speed does not change.
Mortal Reminder as a second item will help you destroy squishies with its high armor penetration then
Rapid Firecannon increases the range of Jhin’s attacks. The bonus range on energized attacks will help Jhin kite and snipe down enemies.
Finish off with Statikk Shiv for some AoE damage and
Phantom Dancer for the Lifeline shield. You can use
Youmuu’s Ghostblade in the early game if the enemy team has only one or no tanks.
- Fleet Footwork grants bonus movement speed and healing on your attacks so you can sustain yourself and kite enemies.
- Brutal grants bonus damage and penetration.
- Regeneration grants a little bit of HP and mana sustain bonus.
- Hunter – Genius grants ability haste on unique takedowns so you can spam your abilities more often.
Summoner Spells
Clarity will solve your mana problems in the game.
Use Flash in case an enemy manages to get near you.