LoL Wild Rift Rengar ARAM Build - Items, Runes , Counter Guide
Recommended Builds
Rengar is quite challenging to play in ARAM due to the lack of brushes. You have to keep your calm and wait for enemies to get close to a brush to activate Rengar’s Unseen Predator passive. It is important to use the initial jump from Unseen Predator so that you will be able to fill the 4 Ferocity stacks for Rengar’s combos.
Of course, you don’t have to do this if have your ultimate because Thrill of the Hunt will allow you to jump from anywhere as long as you are camouflage.
You can initiate fights with Rengar and escape it safely using the Battle Roar combo of Rengar. When its empowered version is used, any crowd control is cleansed and Rengar gains bonus movement speed.
If you are not focused on fights, feel free to use the Savagery combo to burst down enemies or use the Bola Strike combo to lock a target down.
Rengar Build Recommendation in Wild Rift
Here are Item Build Recommedations that works on Rengar in Wild Rift ARAM Mode.
The King of The Jungle build is an assassin build that will allow you to one-shot enemies from the brush or by using Rengar’s ultimate, Thrill of the Hunt. Youmuu’s Ghostblade,
Trinity Force, and
Sterak’s Gage all contribute to a high damage output making bursting down enemies from 100-0% possible.
If your team does not have a tank, you might need to play with the tank build using Black Cleaver,
Warmog’s Armor, and
Sunfire Aegis so you will be able to stay on top of enemies and create havoc so that your team will be able to hit enemies freely.
- Electrocute helps with one-shotting enemies thanks to the bonus damage on combos. Conqueror, on the other hand, is great for the tank build since you will do more consistent damage as you stay on fights for longer periods of time.
- Brutal’s flat AD and armor penetration are perfect for one-shotting combos and Gathering Storm allows you to scale into the late game even without many damage items.
- Second Wind will help in the early game against pokes.
- Hunter – Genius’s ability haste bonus will help with your ultimate’s cooldown so you will be able to initiate and assassinate more often.
Summoner Spells
Mark/Dash is great for chasing down low HP enemies. It is best if you have Ferocity stacks before you dash to the enemy so you can use an empowered ability to kill your target.
Flash is necessary for escaping for an assassin champion who loves to dive the backlines.