LoL Wild Rift Akali ARAM Build - Items, Runes , Counter Guide

Recommended Builds
You have to be extremely opportunities with Akali in ARAM since you are a squishy assassin you can easily be killed in such a small map if you are controlled and ganged up by 5 enemies. But thanks to the small map as well, if you timed your fights correctly, you can kill all 5 enemies easily with your abilities. Take advantage of the bonus movement speed from your passive, Assassin’s Mark to maneuver the battlefield and evade your enemy’s abilities. Never go in a fight without Akali’s 2nd, Twilight Shroud available because you are extremely vulnerable without it, and try to hit multiple enemies with Akali’s 1st, Five Point Mark, and ultimate, Perfect Execution to maximize your impact in ARAM.
Akali Build Recommendation in Wild Rift
Here are Item Build Recommedations that works on Akali in Wild Rift ARAM Mode.
Infinity Orb will help you clean up the battlefield because you’ll be choosy in your engagements and only go in when the enemy’s HP is low and abilities are on cooldown.
Gluttonous Greaves and
Hextech Gunblade grant a lot of sustain so you can survive enemy’s skill shots and it allows you to afford to do extended trades with your enemies.
Rabadon’s Deathcap is great against squishy targets because of its high AP stat and
Liandry’s Torment is great against tanky targets because it adds %HP burn to enemies hit by your abilities. For your last item,
Void Staff will allow you to shred even those who stack magic resist against you and if they didn’t build MR against you, punish them as often as possible by building
Awakened Soulstealer for the ability haste and ultimate haste.
If you are confident with Akali, Conqueror will grant the most damage output on her but if the match-up is hard and the enemy has a lot of skill shots, Fleet Footwork is the better option. Triumph will allow you to go kill after kill when cleaning up the battlefield with its bonus execute damage and healing on takedowns. Hunter – Titan grants extra HP and tenacity for each takedown so you have better chances to survive if you are controlled and Hunter – Genius provides bonus ability haste for each unique takedown. The hunter stacks are easily fill up in ARAM because fights happen often.
Summoner Spells
Mark/Dash allows you to surprise enemies with your combos when used in combination with the Dash.
Flash is the standard initiation tool to surprise your enemies.