LoL Wild Rift Shyvana ARAM Build - Items, Runes , Counter Guide

Recommended Builds
There are no dragons in ARAM so one of the biggest downsides to playing Shyvana in the Howling Abyss is that her passive is totally useless in this map. Even so, she can still deal serious damage with her 3rd ability, Flame Breathe, especially with the AP build and her ultimate, Dragon’s Descent is a great initiation too with a wide area and it pushes enemies caught in it close together as a bonus. Use Mark/Dash together with Shyvana’s ultimate for superior initiation angles.
Shyvana Build Recommendation in Wild Rift
Here are Item Build Recommedations that works on Shyvana in Wild Rift ARAM Mode.
The mage build is the superior Shyvana build in ARAM because it will allow you to deal huge amounts of damage from a safe distance with Shyvana’s 3rd ability, Flame Breathe. With Rabadon’s Deathcap,
Infinity Orb, and
Lich Bane. A single combo of Flame Breathe and her 1st ability, Twin Bite while in Shyvana’s Dragon form is enough to delete squishy champions.
If your team does not have a tank and if you think your team needs a front liner, Spirit Visage and
Warmog’s Armor will allow you to soak lots of damage and regenerate it back after just a few seconds.
Electrocute is great for bursting down squishy opponents while Phase Rush is amazing with the tank build because you will be able to stay on top of enemies for longer periods of time thanks to the bonus movement speed. Gathering Storm will allow you to scale into the late game even if you are building no damage items. Second Wind helps against pokes thanks to the bonus HP regeneration and Mastermind will make you melt down turrets in no time.
Summoner Spells
Mark/Dash will help you land great initiations with Shyvana’s ultimate, Dragon’s Descent and it can also help with her basic 1st + 3rd combo.
Flash can also be used to initiation or it can be used to escape enemies if you are caught in the middle of the enemy team.