LoL Wild Rift Pantheon ARAM Build - Items, Runes , Counter Guide


Class: Fighter

Pantheon ARAM Build, Runes Guide
Recommendations on item build and runes for Pantheon in ARAM (All Mid All Random) Mode in Wild Rift, along with a general guide to play Pantheon in ARAM Mode. Check Pantheon Main Guide.

Recommended Builds

Starting Item Tear of the Goddess Long Sword
Boots Ionian Boots of Lucidity Protobelt Enchant
Core Items Manamune Black Cleaver Serylda’s Grudge
Complete Build Manamune Ionian Boots of Lucidity Black Cleaver Serylda’s Grudge Sterak’s Gage Guardian Angel
Second Wind
Hunter – Genius
Starting Item Tear of the Goddess Ruby Crystal
Boots Ionian Boots of Lucidity Protobelt Enchant
Core Items Winter’s Approach Warmog’s Armor Black Cleaver
Complete Build Winter’s Approach Ionian Boots of Lucidity Warmog’s Armor Black Cleaver Sterak’s Gage Guardian Angel
Second Wind
Hunter – Genius
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Pantheon is more than a stun bot in ARAM. Due to the strength of pokes in ARAM, he is actually a great pick. His 1st ability, Comet Spear is a spammable long range ability that deals more damage the lower the HP of the enemy hit is. Unless you have an ally with heal, your team will, at one point, inevitably die to it. Enemies would have to think twice before overextending as Pantheon’s 2nd ability, Shield Vault is a point-and-click stun that could spell death if there is enough follow-up damage.

With the proper timing and positioning, it will be hard to kill Pantheon because of his 3rd ability, Aegis Assault and as long as he keeps up on levels, it will be hard to survive Pantheon because of his passive armor penetration bonus from his ultimate, Grand Starfall that is also great for blocking off the escape path of your enemies.

Remember to cycle through your abilities and prioritize casting Pantheon’s 1st ability, Comet Spear when you have full stacks of his passive, Mortal Will. 

Pantheon Build Recommendation in Wild Rift

Here are Item Build Recommedations that works on Pantheon in Wild Rift ARAM Mode.

Manamune Ionian Boots of Lucidity Black Cleaver Serylda’s Grudge Sterak’s Gage Guardian Angel
Winter’s Approach Ionian Boots of Lucidity Warmog’s Armor Black Cleaver Sterak’s Gage Guardian Angel

Manamune will allow you to spam your abilities without worrying too much about your mana. Plus, once it upgrades into Muramana, the damage increase is significant. Black Cleaver and Serylda’s Grudge grants armor shred and armor penetration, respectively, which will increase your one-shot potential.

If your team does not have a tank, Winter’s Approach will grant you high amounts of ability haste so you can spam your abilities more often and Warmog’s Armor grants extreme HP regeneration out of battle so you can play aggressively and force plays.


  • Electrocute will help you one-shot enemy champions with its bonus damage on combos. Aftershock, on the other hand, pairs well with the tank build as you will be able to tank more damage.
  • Triumph grants bonus execute damage against low HP enemies and it stacks with the bonus damage of Pantheon’s 1st ability, Comet Spear on low HP targets.
  • Second Wind provides bonus HP regeneration to manage against pokes.
  • Hunter – Genius grants bonus ability haste with each unique takedown so you can spam your abilities more often.

Summoner Spells

Mark/Dash will make it impossible to escape you. After you Dash, immediately use Pantheon’s 2nd ability, Shield Vault to stun enemies and burst them down.

Flash allows you to do aggressive instant initiations or escape deep dives.