LoL Wild Rift Xin Zhao ARAM Build - Items, Runes , Counter Guide
Recommended Builds
Since Xin Zhao’s rework, he became more viable in ARAM now thanks to the increased range of his 2nd ability, Wind Becomes Lightning. Together with his 3rd ability, Audacious Charge, or by using Mark/Dash, he can dash into the enemy team and use his ultimate, Crescent Guard to scatter the enemy team, pushing some of them into your team so your teammates can easily destroy them.
It is important to note that Xin Zhao’s 2nd ability, Wind Becomes Lightning marks the furthest champion it hits. The marked enemy grants bonus range to his 3rd ability, Audacious Charge. Furthermore, remember that Xin Zhao’s ultimate, Crescent Guard protects against all projectiles launched outside its radius, making it a perfect defensive ability against artillery champions like Ziggs or Lux.
Xin Zhao Build Recommendation in Wild Rift
Here are Item Build Recommedations that works on Xin Zhao in Wild Rift ARAM Mode.
Trinity Force will make it possible for Xin Zhao to burst down enemies with his full combo. Add
Sterak’s Gage to the mix and you’ll have high base damage to scale Trinity Force’s Spellblade passive. If your team lacks a tank, build
Spirit Visage and
Warmog’s Armor early. Xin Zhao’s passive grants healing every third attack and having Spirit Visage’s Blessed passive will increase that healing and all other healing he will receive so you can absorb much damage for your team.
Conqueror grants increasing bonus damage per unique hit. With Xin Zhao’s combo, you will be able to stack it fast, increasing your damage output the longer a fight drags on. Phase Rush is a good alternative so you can weave in and out of a fight easily. Triumph is great for cleaning up fights thanks to its bonus damage against low HP targets and its healing on unique takedowns. Gathering Storm on the other hand is great for scaling AD even without damage items. Second Wind helps against pokes with the bonus HP regeneration. Hunter – Genius grants ability haste with each unique takedown so you can use your combos as much as possible.
Summoner Spells
Mark/Dash can be combined with Xin Zhao’s ultimate, Crescent Guard for aggressive initiation plays or for assassinating low HP targets.
Flash will be your escape tool after initiating into the enemy team.