LoL Wild Rift Lucian ARAM Build - Items, Runes , Counter Guide


Class: Marksman

Lucian ARAM Build, Runes Guide
Recommendations on item build and runes for Lucian in ARAM (All Mid All Random) Mode in Wild Rift, along with a general guide to play Lucian in ARAM Mode. Check Lucian Main Guide.

Recommended Builds

Starting Item Caulfields Warhammer Brawler’s Gloves
Boots Gluttonous Greaves Protobelt Enchant
Core Items Essence Reaver Solari Chargeblade Navori Quickblades
Complete Build Essence Reaver Gluttonous Greaves Solari Chargeblade Navori Quickblades Serylda’s Grudge Guardian Angel
Bone Plating
Manaflow Band
Starting Item Vampiric Scepter Long Sword
Boots Gluttonous Greaves Stasis Enchant
Core Items Blade of the Ruined King Black Cleaver Infinity Edge
Complete Build Blade of the Ruined King Gluttonous Greaves Black Cleaver Infinity Edge Navori Quickblades Guardian Angel
Bone Plating
Manaflow Band
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Lucian has a shorter range compared to other ADCs so he needs to play extra carefully in ARAM. You have to think twice before using Lucian’s 3rd ability, Relentless Pursuit because it will leave you without an ability to escape if you timed it wrong.

Use Lucian’s 1st ability, Piercing Light to harass enemies from a distance, targeting it on minions to reach enemy champions you won’t otherwise reach.

Always remember to use his 2nd ability, Ardent Blaze first before using his ultimateThe Culling for the bonus movement speed so you will be able to follow your enemies as they try to avoid your bullets.

Lucian Build Recommendation in Wild Rift

Here are Item Build Recommedations that works on Lucian in Wild Rift ARAM Mode.

Essence Reaver Gluttonous Greaves Solari Chargeblade Navori Quickblades Serylda’s Grudge Guardian Angel
Blade of the Ruined King Gluttonous Greaves Black Cleaver Infinity Edge Navori Quickblades Guardian Angel

 Essence Reaver will help with Lucian’s mana issue and it will also scale his damaging abilities thanks to its Essence Flare passive that grants bonus damage to your abilities based on your critical hit chance. Solari Chargeblade quickly scales the Essence Flare passive thanks to its own Sunburst passive that adds 25% more critical chance and it also grants bonus true damage on critical hits. Navori Quickblade allows Lucian to spam his abilities without limits thanks to its Deft Strikes passive that refunds a portion of your basic ability cooldowns when landing critical strikes.

If you are against multiple tanks or HP stacking opponents, use Blade of the Ruined King and the Black Cleaver build instead.


Conqueror is Lucian’s best Keystone rune because he can easily fill its stacks thanks to his passive and ability spamming. Brutal grants flat AD and armor penetration for more damage from the get-go. Bone Plating helps against burst damage if ever you are jumped by assassins and Manaflow Band helps with Lucian’s mana problems.

Summoner Spells

Clarity helps solve Lucian’s mana issues because he can be depleted of his mana fast and Lucian is useless without mana.

Flash will allow you to do extra aggressive plays knowing that you have an emergency button to fall back to if you need to.