LoL Wild Rift Yasuo ARAM Build - Items, Runes , Counter Guide
Class: Fighter
Recommended Builds
Yasuo can be a bit overwhelming to play in team fights but he can also be effective, especially when paired with champions with AoE knockup abilities. In ARAM, pokes are a big nuisance since fights are forced and regeneration is scarce so Yasuo’s 2nd ability, Wind Wall is a great defensive ability that can render almost all ranged projectiles useless.
Charge up Yasuo’s 1st ability, Steel Tempest on minions so you can use the 3rd charge, the one with the knock-up, on enemy champions. Avoid using his 3rd ability, Sweeping Blade unless you are sure that you will have a kill to be secured because if you are stuck on the enemy’s side, you will die fast. And finally, Yasuo’s ultimate, Last Breathe is a game-changer in ARAM. It can extend knock-ups and Yasuo’s shield will reset and he will have bonus armor penetration.
Yasuo Build Recommendation in Wild Rift
Here are Item Build Recommedations that works on Yasuo in Wild Rift ARAM Mode.
Yasuo’s standard item build Infinity Edge and Statikk Shiv is great if you have a teammate who has a knockup so you can easily use Yasuo’s ultimate and burst down enemies. Furthermore, you have to have a teammate with healing because you won’t have that much physical vamp until you build the Bloodthirster. The second build with Blade of the Ruined King is a safer build with more physical vamp and consistent damage but it does way less burst damage.
Conqueror grants a stacking damage bonus which is great for extended fights. Fleet Footwork grants bonus movement speed and healing once in a while on your attacks so you can kite and sustain better. Gathering Storm grants a scaling AD bonus based on the time passed so you can outscale enemies. Second Wind is great against pokes because its bonus HP regeneration and Mastermind are great for melting down turrets.
Summoner Spells
Mark/Dash can be combo’d with the knock-up from Yasuo’s 1st ability, Rising Tempest for surprising initiations or finishers.
Flash will allow for aggressive playstyles to be pulled off.