LoL Wild Rift Master Yi ARAM Build - Items, Runes , Counter Guide

Recommended Builds
What Master Yi needs is to farm, he needs a lot of gold because he is item dependent. But one simply cannot AFK farm in ARAM because it’s a 24/7 brawl in the Howling Abyss. Instead, to gain gold, you have to steal kills from your allies. To secure kills successfully, you have to perfectly time Master Yi’s buffs, his 3rd ability, Wuju Style, and his ultimate, Highlander when the enemy’s HP is low enough to swoop in. Do not use his 1st ability, Alpha Strike mindlessly because it can be used to dodge your enemy’s abilities while dealing damage at the same time.
Master Yi Build Recommendation in Wild Rift
Here are Item Build Recommedations that works on Master Yi in Wild Rift ARAM Mode.
Blade of the Ruined King will help Master Yi deal so much damage through its Ruined Strikes % of HP on-hit damage which Master Yi can proc four times in three attacks thanks to his passive. It also has the Drain passive which steals your target’s movement speed. Afterwards, you should choose between
Statikk Shiv and
Phantom Dancer, depending on if you want more damage or a little bit of survivability, respectively.
Infinity Edge is Master Yi’s third core item and after acquiring this item, you’ll have tons of unmatched DPS.
Conqueror will help you deal more damage the longer the fight goes on while Fleet Footwork grants a little bit of healing and movement speed to stay healthy and on top of enemies. Gathering Storm grants a stacking AD bonus the longer the fight goes on so you can outscale enemies. Second Wind will help against pokes and Mastermind will make you melt turrets extremely fast.
Summoner Spells
Mark/Dash will make it impossible for your enemies to escape you.
Flash will be your primary escape tool after using Mark/Dash or Master Yi’s 1st ability, Alpha Strike.