LoL Wild Rift Akshan ARAM Build - Items, Runes , Counter Guide

Recommended Builds
Akshan deals a lot of safe damage thanks to his 1st ability, Avengerang that has infinite range as long as it hits something.
Keep your cool and look for opportunities to do multiple resets on Akshan’s 3rd ability, Heroic Swing when enemies are low in HP.
Because of ARAM’s small map, it will be near impossible to land Akshan’s ultimate, Comeuppance unless you use it in combination with his Heroic Swing.
Always look to avenge your teammates by killing Scoundrels to minimize your ally’s respawn time. In the late game, it could be your way to win the game.
Akshan Build Recommendation in Wild Rift
Here are Item Build Recommedations that works on Akshan in Wild Rift ARAM Mode.
Essence Reaver helps with Akshan’s mana issues and it will help scale the damage of his 1st ability, Avengerang.
Solari Chargeblade will help increase the damage from Essence Flare faster since it is based on critical hit chance and finally,
Navori Quickblade will allow you to spam Akshan’s Avenegerang over and over again because of its Deft Strikes passive that refunds the cooldown of the basic abilities of the wielder.
If the game is wide open for you because of the lack of crowd control on the side of the enemy or if you have competent tanks and supports in your team, you can opt to use the on-hit build with Manamune,
Blade of the Ruined King, and
Wit’s End. It deals more damage but is harder to execute on ARAM’s small map.
Fleet Footwork augments Akshan’s hit-and-run playstyle and on ARAM’s small map, the bonus healing on attacks will help against pokes. Electrocute is your alternative if you want more damage on your own pokes. Brutal grants flat AD and physical penetration. Hunter – Titan is your deterrent against crowd controls and make sure to pair it with Mercury’s Treads if the enemy has a lot of crowd control and lastly, Manaflow Band helps with Akshan’s mana-hungry abilities.
Summoner Spells
Akshan needs Clarity because his abilities uses a lot of mana and he needs to spam his abilities in order to contribute to his team.
Flash will help Akshan do risky plays because it will allow him to have an emergency button when overextending.