ARAM Tier List
Hello there, Summoners! ARAM – Short for All Random, All Mid is back for a limited time only! It’s open from April 15, 2021. The map is called Howling Abyss and it offers a casual, always fun experience for all kinds of players. Honestly, for me, I’d wish they’d make it permanent.
Before we head to the tier list, let us list some of the major differences on ARAM compared to our normal game mode:
- From its name, there is only one lane to brawl it out, the Mid lane. This means that there is no time to farm and scale. It’s all fighting from the get-go.
- You are given a random champion and you can roll up to two times. You can re-roll your champion and if you do, your teammates can switch to the champion you passed up to.
- The fountain/base does not restore health and mana. Instead,
Health Relics spawns in designated spots around the map. The champion who picks up the relic is instantly restored a certain amount of health and mana which increases based on missing health and after a short delay, everyone around, allies, and enemies are healed. Remember to ping your allies if you want to pick up a Health Relic! Do not be selfish!
- You can only buy at the start of the match and every time you respawn. Once you leave your base, you cannot return to buy items. Buy wisely!
- There are two additional summoner spells:
Clarity – Restores Mana – If your team has a mana intensive champion, at least one of you should use this.
Mark/Dash – Throws a snowball that marks enemies and allows you to dash to it. This is great for initiators and assassins. The tooltip does not say that it deals damage but I personally bagged a kill using it.
There are three big criteria that are crucial to ARAM. The map is small and cramped. Fights break out often. And sustain is a big factor since you cannot heal up. So, the three criteria I used for categorizing champions for this tier list are:
- Initiation and team fight presence. – Champions with reliable initiation tools are extremely strong here in wild rift. If you have (unfortunately) faced a
Malphite in ARAM, you’ll surely understand this one.
- Sustain – Champions who can heal themselves or their teammates are a valuable commodity in ARAM since sustain is scarce due to the absence of the fountain’s healing. Having a healer or high sustain in your team is an unfair advantage.
Soraka mains, this is your time to shine.
- Poke – Since sustain is scarce, champions who can poke down the enemy’s health create easy opportunities for one-sided all-ins. If you think
Miss Fortune’s poke is cancer in the Dragon lane, wait until you face one in ARAM.
But remember, this Tier List is only for educational purposes for new players and for the sake of discussion, all champions are viable to play at all levels but of course you are going to have an easier time using an S tier champion compared to C tiers.
Wild Rift ARAM Tier List
Bonus! ARAM Item suggestions:
Tear of the Goddess items –
Archangel’s Staff
Winter’s Approach – These mana-providing items are great at ARAM because once you have it, you’ll no longer have to worry about your mana pool.
- Vamp items –
Blade of the Ruined King
Hextech Gunblade
Gluttonous Grieves – Helps you sustain your health bar because you have limited options and cannot heal back at base. It also helps manage the poke damage from enemies.
- Healing items –
Harmonic Echo
Athene’s Unholy Grail – These are sources for more healing for supports to widen the sustain advantage against your enemies.
- Grievous Wounds –
Mortal Reminder
Thornmail – Counters the above items and healing champions.
Warmog’s Armor – Absolutely broken on fighters and tanks and Soraka since you simply have to stay back for a few seconds and then you’re all set to fight again.