LoL Wild Rift Baron Lane Tier List (Patch 5.0)


Ready to become the best Baron lane player for this Patch 5.0? Take a look at the new Wild Rift Baron Lane tier list to know which champions are the best for the new Patch 5.0 in 2023.

The Baron Lane is the solo lane which is close to Baron Nashor and far away from all other players. Trades are an important part of a Baron Laner’s game because it takes a long time to recall and go back to lane because the Baron Lane is so far. So, if you win a trade and force a recall, you gain a lot of gold and experience over your enemy lane. It will be much better if you get to kill the enemy, of course.

Wild Rift Baron lane tier list

Who are the Best Baron Lane Champions?

Baron laners are usually those hard to kill champions with a form of self-sustain or escape mechanism to survive the harsh landscape of the Baron Lane. Because of this, Baron Lane are usually occupied by Tanks, Fighters, or Assassins. You can see our Wild Rift Baron Lane Tier List above to see the best champions to play on this lane.

Best baron lane champions

The best Baron Laners are capable of crushing their opponents with ease and make the opponent’s laning phase miserable. They have incredibly strong mid game power spikes where they can dominate the game through their high damage and survivability during that phase.

Aside from carrying the mid game, Baron Laners are tasked with split-pushing when there are no clashes because they are usually strong 1v1 duelist who can even 1v2 when ahead. It is important that Baron Laners who likes to split-push to carry the Teleport Enchant so they can teleport and assist their team in clashes when the need arises.

In clashes, most Baron Laners are capable of dealing good amount of damage and cover their team at the same time. They are the front liners of the team which is an important role because they create the space needed for their team to operate in the ideal way for them without worrying too much against the enemy’s champions.


Self-sustain – An active or passive ability which helps the champion heal itself or regenerate its HP.

Escape Mechanism – An ability which helps the champion escape fights.

Mid game – The part of the game where the laners starts to roam. This is usually starts after the first turret is brought down.

Split-pushing – Pushing a lane that is far from the enemy team.

Baron Lane Tier List Criteria

This Wild Rift Baron Lane Tier List is categorized based on the current meta and their performance against other champions of the same class.

  • Tier S+: Currently the best champions in this Wild Rift Tier List. Also known as God or OP Tier champions. These are very difficult to counter and with the right strategies, perform very well on any game. These champions are usually banned or picked in higher tiers.
  • Tier S:  Strong Champions. These Champions can be as impactful as the S+ champions but are not as banned or picked as them.
  • Tier A+: Viable Champions. These champions are one buff away from being S or S+ tier champions. They can be used in almost all drafts and can be safely picked in most cases.
  • Tier A: Good Champions. These Champions are powerful with the right strategies, they excel at what they do in their lanes and perform well in most games.
  • Tier B: Average Champions. With the right team composition, they can perform well, but their impact is often lower than tier A.
  • Tier C: For Fun Tier: Champions in this tier are usually subpar in their average performance. Yes, you can win with all champions but you will be fighting an uphill battle when using champions in this tier.