All Wild Rift Items List

In order to become a good player, one must learn the proper use and management of Wild Rift Items. An item is a modular enhancement that mainly contributes to the strength and power of your champion by providing buffs and other effects. It is mostly purchasable with Gold, obtained from the passive income, farming, champion and turret takedowns, and other objectives. Each player possesses an inventory which can carry six items, one of it specifically assigned for the enchantments and a slot for vision items. Buying and selling items however, are prohibited outside the spawn or the shop.
Each item provides unique effects on champions and can be divided into four. Stat buffs being the most common, enhances the champions’ statistics. Passive effects are effects that are present throughout the game, and trigger autonomously. Active items on the other hand, provide active effects that can only be activated by clicking on the item, similar to champions’ abilities. Lastly, Auras are effects that provide buff or inflict debuff to opponents. Aura is applied to allies or opponents that are within a certain range.
With these, champions can be optimized in such a way that they will be able to give large contributions to the team. However, different champions have unique needs and stats to focus on that you should know about in order to have the upper hand. Some require offensive items and some may need defense items.
Here are the items list for Wild Rift that can be primarily divided into four main categories:
Physical Items
Physical items mainly boost one’s attack damage. Attack damage allows the damage of your basic attack and ad-scaling skills to increase. These Wild Rift items are the bread and butter of marksmen and fighters as they heavily rely on their auto attacks. Physical items can also be used by assassins such as Rengar.and Kha'zix. In order to multiply or optimize their damage, several modifiers can be applied such as Attack Speed, Critical rate, Lifesteal, Lethality and Armor penetration.
Mid Tier
Magic Items
AP Champions such as Mages and assassins utilize ability power in order to scale. Ability power enhances the damage dealt by champions' spell, this is where magic items come in. In comparison to champions that purchase physical items, they have low base attack damage and rely on their skills and spells. Although unlike autoattacks, they must be careful in spamming their skills as it consumes mana and might have a relatively long cooldown. These problems however can be solved by purchasing items with cooldown reduction and mana. Unfortunately, there is no item in the game that provide mana regeneration. So, mana-hungry champions such as Orianna and Kassadin are required to equip mana items such as Archangel’s Staff. Mages can also defeat tanks by taking advantage of the magic penetration.
Mid Tier
Defence Items
Bruisers and tanks take the role of diving into opponents, and receiving several attacks from the enemies. They are expected to survive in a longer duration under that circumstance, thanks to defense items. Defense items, unlike magic and physical items, prioritizes sustainability rather than dealing high amounts of damage. These items provide more ways in order to survive better as a bruiser as a tank such as increasing armor, magic resists, tenacity and health regeneration.
Mid Tier
Boots Items
Boots of Speed is a cheap and upgradable item you can buy in order to increase your movement speed. With the right amount of gold, you will be able to transform it into better boots with unique passive effects and eventually to a boot enchantment. Enchantments, unlike other items, have active effects that you must first trigger with a click. Each enchantment has unique uses and advantages. For example, Stasis Enchant can be activated to prevent an assassin from completely finishing you off, or a Quicksilver Enchant to get out of a hard crowd control ability.