Welcome to LolWildRiftBuild.com! This is the first-ever – and absolute best – Lol Wild Rift Fan Made website. I said WildRift Site not League of Legend PC site because for League PC, there are so many already. I have decided to launch this website after falling in love with this Riots MOBA as soon as I started playing it.
At the moment ( August 2020 ) of starting this blog, I am just several days into the game, with a little experience in this game, but I think that this is the best time to actually launch a blog: this way, we can learn together and it will be easier for me to share the Item Builds and game strategy. I am sure it will be fun and we’ll have a lot to learn.
Its hard to manage this Blog being one single person here. So I am not alone here, You will see contents from a very experienced MOBA player Siege Roberts and his clan mates. And I will be doing all design and development in website. So stay tuned as lots of cool features are on the way.
We want to turn LolWildRiftBuild.com into the ultimate source of Champion Builds, Runes, news, Strategy guides, and everything else you might need to know about LoL Wild Rift and hopefully build a solid community around this blog as well. Because, just like the game itself, a website about such a beautiful game is nothing without an active community surrounding it!
I am just a huge fan of the game and a player, just like yourself. I am not associated with Riots (Founder of the game) or Wild Rift Team and this website is not endorsed or recognized by the game’s developers. I am just a fan of the game and creating a fan site for fellow fans. So please, don’t connect me with game suggestions and improvements or any other technical or non-technical problem you might have to play this game. I am not working with the development team and I can’t help you with that! Sorry! 🙂
Also, there might be few contents you will see that I picked from Reddit and discord. Because I am just trying to put all valuable information about the game together in this website. And of course, I am not taking any credits for those best content written by someone else. I will put Credit below article if I am taking from any other sources and if it’s not there and you are the man who wrote that content please contact me for the credit or the removal.
All original photos, images, and artworks are copyright to their respective owners and no copyright infringement is intended. This is just an unofficial website (the most awesome, of course!) for Lol Wild Rift.

Hi! I am Siege Roberts! My friends call me Siege and I grew up playing MOBAs. The very first game I played on PC back on 2003 is Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne so when the DoTA wave came to the Philippines, I had no trouble adjusting to it. ever since, I played many iterations of the genre from Heroes of Newerth, DoTA2, Heroes of the Storm, and League of Legends. My main MOBA before was DoTA2 where I peaked Legend 1 as a casual player. I also played and reached top ranks in two mobile MOBAs, Mobile Legends and Marvel Super War. But I have never been captivated by a mobile MOBA like League of Legends: Wild Rift.
The mobile version of the League PC game exceeded my expectations and this is the first mobile game where it feels as competitive as when I play in PC. This adds my motivation to doing guides for this beautiful game. I feel continue striving for higher ranks so I can serve you better as the main guide author of the site!
Hi! I’m Ritchmarc Sison! Just call me Licht. I am a League PC player who recently took interest in League of Legends Wild Rift. My peak rank is Grandmaster last season 2020 but unfortunately, due to the sudden pandemic, my rank has decayed to Diamond IV.
Wild Rift plays so much similarly to the League PC that I love so I am excited to share my knowledge with you as I work with Siege as the main consultant for LolWildRiftBuild!